The Clockwork Council Organization in E'ven-dra | World Anvil

The Clockwork Council

The Clockwork as they are often called refers to a coalition of Artificers and inventors across Northern Avalon. Sharing ideas and ensuring that the technology of the Northlands remains functioning and usable.


The Clockwork is a orginized much like a guild of crafts people. The council itself acts as a laison between independent mages and artificers, crafting and pushing the limits of inovation, both in the mondain and magical, and The Lords of Avalon . Members of the Clockwork recive founding and protection from the the Avalon goverment. But in turn the the members must show progress and in their research and development to maintain the status.
At the highest part of the council site the Wisemen, keep in mind this is a title and says nothing of the persons actual gender. The Wisemen are apointed by the Lords of Avalon from among the members of the Clockwork and otherwise act autonomusly, with reguards to the apointment of Clockwork membership and actual funds granted. The Wisemen perform reviews and evaluations of Clockwork members and aprove the founds. Otherwise members act and work autonomusly of one another and are free from true interfearance.


With in the Clockwork there is an underlining seniment that many mages and artificers feel is a wolf and hound situation. On one hand the members of the clockwork are given founding and even space for experimentation. However, despite the autonomus nature of the Wisemen and the Clockwork as a hole the fact remains that they are still part of the central goverment and as such membership and more importantly founding is more offten deverted towards projects that the Lords of Avalon and the Wisemen would like to see advanced first. Or in many cases projects started and ment to do one thing will be founded and at some point a member of the one of Avalons other lead orginizations will come calling to ask if the project to do something more. 
Like a mage crafting a device to help with long range comunication and The Holy Noble Knights of Rosic come asking about its posible aplications on the battle field. The next thing they know they are secretly working on a more advanced version for military and espionage purposes. The members are expexted to work with other orginizations with ties to the Lords of Avalon. 
On the other hand a mage working on a similar device outside the Clockwork is free to ignore the requests of the Knights but could be arested for esianage. Or a mage working chemical agents could be seen as a threat for their work. One is free to perform their research as they see fit but is at the mercy of the locals. While the other is chained and must follow its masters orders but is safe and caired for.

Public Agenda

Publicly the Clockwork and members work towards the betterment of Avalon and its citizens through thecnological advancments.
Alternative Names
The Clockwork
Ruling Organization

Articles under The Clockwork Council


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