The Raven Queen, Chathan

Chathan’s origins are mired in myth and legend, what is known is that she is among the first mortals to become truly one of The Divine. The most comprehensive legend comes from the mouths of the Shadar-Kai, who tell of a young girl. In this legend Chathan was born of an unknown elven father and human woman on the day their home was swallowed by the Shadow Fell’s Mists of Dread. She was raised by the village and told her mother died because of an already weakened body combined with shadow fells dread magics. For long time Chathan was happy and lived among the people of her village.
  It Was during this time that the The Deep Mother, Shiar corrupted Lolth and started the elven war. The ancestors of the Shadar-Kai fled into the Shadow Fell by mistake and found themselves barely surviving. This was when Chatahan appeared to them, time having no meaning in the Shadow Fell she seemed only 12-13 at the time. But still taught them what she could about the Shadow Fell, showing them safe places to live and make camp and teaching them some the odd magics she had picked up having lived in the domain. In exchange the Elves taught her of her elven heritage and gave her a glimpse of the other half of her heritage, even teaching her true magic and not just the odd tricks she gained as a denizen of the Fell.
As time passed and Elven war showed signs of ending Shiar knew of the Shadar-Kai how had survived and long since been in her dark domain. She also knew of Chathan, who despite having lived her whole life in darkness only knowing light as dismal dusk or as the flickering of fire light, had never succumbed to the darkness and kept a light about her. Shiar had come to Chathan many time in the guise of a freshly Aunt and made many attempts to corrupt the young girl to no avail. Now however she need not the girl but her elven friends. Appearing again as her aunt she warned Chathan that Shiar was coming to take her elven friends and that they needed to flee to certain spot. Unbeknownst to Shiar Chathan was familiar with the spot and knew all to well that this was a lie and thanks to the magic taught to her by the Sharar-Kai she could now see through the Shiar’s magic and knew that things were not as the seemed.
Angered by Chathan’s arrogance to deny a primal Goddess, Shiar went about destroying Chathan life among the humans. She spread false rumors and promises among the villagers that Chathan was the lord of dread of the realm they wee trapped in and that she was the reason they were trapped. Quickly the villagers that had carried for the girl for nearly 16 years turned on her. Capturing the young girl they followed Shiar’s orders and performed numerous dark rituals that were promised to bear a way out of the Shadow Fell. After ritual, each one darker than the last, Shiar made Chathan an offer give her the Elves and save herself. Each time Chathan refused, and after nearly a year she did not break. But what happened next is only spoken of by the eldest of Shadar-Kai or devout believers. The Shadar-Kai, Desendants of cowards who fled the war between Elves swarmed to rescues a single half elven girl who had shown them kindness. The single piercing act was like a light light in the dead of night. Corellon and the other divine could not look away. But it was Atropus, who was still god of light and that saw the actions of Chathan a wept the most. For he saw a light he thought long lost, for Chathan’s father was no elf but Atropus himself in mortal form. Having taken a mortal lover his duties called him away, only to learn latter that Shiar had sent the mists to take the village he had hidden his lover away in.
Chathan was the daughter of Atropus prior to his corruption, but some say it was witnessing and learning of what Shiar had done that finally sent the round god of light over the edge. Regardless Chathan’s spark of divinity was ignited and she had most certainly survived the hardships and trials of divinity. As such when the battle was over Chathan had become a divine, given dominion as a caretaker she learned of Corellon’s plans to banish the elves from their place in the Immortal Court she also learned of the horrors of Ashmear, Realm of the Grave and the lost Souls there. She further refined her domain to the keeper of the dead, and took the tittle of The Raven a nickname the villagers had given her before Shiar tricked them. What became of the village is unknown after Chathan was rescued it simply faded into the darkness.
This is the most comprehensive legend of Chathan out there and is the one most told by Shadar-Kia and fervent believers. Chathan is the first mortal to ascend and become a Divine and one the three Gods of the Grave. With all of this she is associated with he both the The Divine Blue Pantheon and The Divine Green Pantheon.

Divine Domains

Her domain of the Grave is particularly funeral rights and the protection of the dead in both body and soul. Prior to the Cataclysm, Chathan kept two home one in the Shadow fell and one Ashmear. In Ashmear she would care for and look after the dead that were not yet ready to move on or had a chance of returning. Her ledgers contained the names of the dead awaiting trail at the hands of the Final Judge, and it is she who informs the Dream Keeper of missing or run away souls. In the Shadow Fell she would sequester her greatest warriors and artisan. It is dead that Revenants are her creation as a way to circumvent certain limitation on the dead.
Despite this Chathan is also a goddess of Life, as she she holds its sanctity above all else, it is said that the cost of revival spells are her doing as she has always had a special interest in that which sparkles and shines. Most importantly she believes if one still is needed they should not be judged, but even she knows that she cannot force anyone to do anything. She can offer people additional time but must add caveats that they must return when they are done. Again the creation of Revenants her doing.
After the Cataclysm Chathan’s home in the Shadow Fell had to be abandoned, but the Shamar-Kia still reside their know as the largest known temple to her and he still has a deep connection to the place. As it is said to be the place that her father appeared to her and she became a Divine. As a child of Atropus before his corruption she also has some dominion over light more specifically Twilight. As the Is was impossible for her not to complete escape the darkness of the Shadow Fell. But what she had was still a light to to guide the way, which her adherents are encouraged to act as for those seeking a form salvation of sorts.
She also has some dominion over the Arcane. We have already touched on her connection to the revival spells and the creation of Revenants. But it is said that the spell Shadow Blade was her creation as a means to help the Shamar-Kai in defending them selves in the darkness of the Shadow Fell.
Finally there is One last domain that she falls under though many think of is as a macabre aspect of her power and that is over blood. As having once been mortal and her origins connected to suffering Chathan’s domain dose indeed stray into the domain of blood. Many blood clerics act as the last one of defense against the darkness of Shiar and the undead born of her darkness. It is perhaps this reason why many blood hunter orders have worshipers of the Chathan among their ranks. Though many Blood Clerics keep this information close to the chest and do not openly preach such knowledge as there can be great misunderstandings from commoners when it ones to the practice.


Her most well known artifacts are the Raven’s Mantle, the Twilight Gauntlets, the Dusk Piercer. The Raven’s Mantle is a long dark blue and grey cloak with a mantle of raven feathers. The wearer is said to be have the ability to cheat death once per day and wings of a raven. The Twilight Gauntlets are said to simple dark blue leather vambraces with silver embellishments. But once worn grant the wearer a deftness with their hands, such as with he picking of locks or pockets but also being able to catch things mid air. Finally the Dusk Piercer is said to be a weapon created much later than the other, its shaft made of Eden Heart Wood and the tip of Mithral the spear is powerful weapon that is said to be able to call down devastating divine spells and acted as a powerful reliquary.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Chathan’s sigil is that of raven silhouetted against a black or dark navy blue field, clutching a pail emotionless ivory mask, all outlined in silver. Most of her priests and devotees will carry various tokens of devotion, from small pendants depicting the silhouette of a raven’s head or the mask enveloped in raven wings. Others may wiled scepters or staffs of pail wood almost like a shepherd’s rook. Most worshipers dress in simple robs of black and dark navy blue, often adorned in raven feathers. Silver and platinum objects are plentiful in her temples though often not placed on display or shown off.

Tenets of Faith

Devotees of Chathan follow a few simple tenets. One, rebuke the undead and return them to their proper rest, as the guardian of the dead she calls on her worshipers to kill and end undead were ever that are found. This can become troublesome when Vampires and Dhampir  are found as the first tenant alone can lead to altercations. Luckily the second tenant prevents most problems, that being, be not crewel to the undead and care for the dead, for they often have no ability or say in what happens. Skeletons, Zombies, Vampires, and Ghouls often have no say in when they are revived and are brought back or animated by no will of their own. While this tenant dose prevent many of Chathan’s priest from starting up crusades against Vampire and Damphir colonies it is not a full proof prevention. Plenty of conflicts have arisen between Chathan worshipers and worshipers of The Crimson Count, Vol who often shelter and aid vampires seeking to live and breach free of the hunger. 
However most verify that take actions to actively hunt or harm undead are often seen as extremists and if caught performing such acts without proper cause, like proof that the undead will or has caused harm to others, will find themselves excommunicated. Many a divine paladin or champion without thinking has found themselves loosing their powers for attacking an undead unprovoked. If anything it is for this reason that many find the truly devote clergy of Chathan as cold and distant. In truth they are the most filled with questions about morality and must think the most before acting in their goddess’ name. Truly most clerics of Chathan’s see not the undead as the problem but those that actively try to miss use the dead. AKA. Necromancers who actively raise the dead or miss use the arcane power of necromancy or Liches who have actively chosen to escape the cycle and now feed off the souls of others.


Chathan has has five holidays associated with her, three of which are extend periods of time but their start and end dates are effected by the other two which can change year to year.
The First holiday period is the somewhat morbid as it is called the Harrowing, on the day of the Autumn’s Festival this is a call to people to prepare for winter, and runs up to the first frost. As Chathan is the goddess of that watches over the dead who have yet to receive proper burials this is when her priests will reach out to the elderly and sick. Working with doctors they work with these individuals to make preparations for them in case the worse happens over the course of the coming winter. If this happens and arrangement have been prepared the temple will already have a place set aside for the individual in an hold crypt where the body is cared for till come the next period. 
The Harrowing’s end is marked by the first hard frost of winter, which is why the end date can change, but is often around the last week of Braunvu or The Rotting. This first hard frost which makes digging to hard a labor means that Harrowing has ended and the second period has started, The Watch. But before it begins clergy of Chathan finish preparing for winter and finish preparations they may need endure winter, and marked with quite contemplation at a humble celebration of the Winter’s Feast and or New Year. 
The Watch begins after the first hard frost and is called such as this can become a dark time for the dead. Between a lack of animals to eat those that have lost their lives while traveling and in some cases the temples being on top of dozens of copses, dark and evil necromancers tend to start looking for new “materials”. As such the Watch is literally that, priests and warriors of Chathan literally spend this time watching for signs of the undead and foul necromancy. The Watch then ends when then ends with the first true thaw of spring which culminates in the thirds period. 
The third period is again slightly morbid and called The Precession. This is the period of time between the first true thaw of spring and the Spring Carnival, often between the start of the second week of Barsa or Winter’s End to the the day of the spring carnival the fallowing week. During the Precession clergy make final preparations for burying the dead that have been in their watch through out winter. Often culminating in a massive burial precession from the temple to the their final graves. Most temples try to complete this work before the Spring Carnival so as not to distract from their fifth and final holiday. 
For after all the hard and morbid work of fall and winter Chathan’s worshipers are reminded that she is a goddess of life and are encuraged and sometimes made to make merry and have fun. At the Spring Carnival Chathan’s worshipers will shed their dull robes of blue and black and dress in colorful robes of reds, yellows and greens. Rich purples and pinks are also seen for those who still prefer cooler colors. But often it is often at the Carnival that people see the brighter side to these worshipers who still revel in life no mater how much death they most deal with.
Divine Classification


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