Uelros Savengaurd Character in E'ven-dra | World Anvil

Uelros Savengaurd

King Uelros Savengaurd (a.k.a. The Made King, Sorleu the Mad)

Some times called the made king of Avalon. This is the current aging The King of Kings.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Uelros' early life is a mystery, what is known is that he is the oldest liveing decendant of the Savenguard family and curent king of kings. During the 13th dance he found himself traped in the blight covered city of Avalon city, traped for almost 5 years it was not till the other heros of the 13th dance arrived that he learned that he had been kidnaped by a divine entity known as Balthazar, Lord of Time. This was all in an atempt to bring the 13th dance to an end. What none could have predicted would be that Uelros was already a habitual drug user and a tanasity to find anything to get him high would lead him to actualy eat and drink from the varius tainted and blighted wells and fruit trees. How he was still alive is again a mystery to this day but many belive his robust sorcerer's constitution helped.
After the arival of the other hero's of the 13th dance they made way to the central tower were he managed to reach the Arrow's relick first, becomeing the candidate. After clearing the city of its blight he went about making allies of the other seven dance candidates. Assisting each in a way that would make them agree to him winning. After this and when the dance was seemingly over a 9th candidate appeared, The Maestro, Cyric, or as they are otherwise known Cyric the lier. In a final battle Uelros and the other heros defeated him at the edge of reality were the Creator sealed him away. 
Following this battle Uelros settled into being king but his addled mental state never quick changed. Using a coctail of druidic mushrooms and alchemical concoctions to make life "more fun". It took little convincing for the creation of the The Lords of Avalon. We should also mention that in that time leading to his final battle he contracted lycanthropy, spesificly a werewolf starain. Combined with his wild magic its sort of a mirical he's still alive, a feet most atest to the skill of his "wife", a member of his old party. Who at this point is more the actuall leader of the country until a rightfull hier can be apointed. 
As of this moment there are three known heirs. Shi'it Ras Al'men, or Jurai Savenguard as was his given name, of the Zahir Highlands in Dramon. Lucian Dawnheart Savenguard former grand master of the Coven and curent master of the city of Orlay in the Avalon Heartlands. Then finaly there is Eliza Moondrop Savenguard a werewolf druid native to the Avalon Barrens. It should be mentioned that only Juria and Lucian have given suporting evidence that they are Uelros' sons and Eliza sworn to go near civilisation.
Aligned Organization


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