Dragon Species in Ealathra | World Anvil
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For generations, dragons have been whispered legends, echoes of a fury buried beneath eight centuries of dust. History speaks of a sole Great War, a titanic clash that left the skies choked with smoke and the land scarred with dragonfire. But within the hushed corners of crumbling libraries and the windswept canyons where ancient bones lie bleaching, whispers speak of another truth, a forgotten conflict shrouded in time's mist.   Living Myths: Dragons are more than colossal beasts; they are enigmas cloaked in scales. Few have laid eyes on their majesty, their presence a fleeting shadow across mountain peaks or a tremor within the earth. Their forms, when glimpsed, defy description, shimmering tapestries of scales that shift like molten metal under the sun. Tales speak of wings that blot out the sky, claws that rend stone, and eyes that burn with the fury of dying stars.   Forgotten Fury: The memory of the first war has faded to myth, a cautionary tale passed down through generations. But truth flickers in the embers of legend. Scattered across the land, hidden in forgotten caches and crumbling strongholds, lie the remnants of that forgotten conflict: rune-etched weapons fused by dragonfire, shattered dragon scales bearing cryptic symbols, and the skeletal remains of behemoths whose bones whisper of battles long past.   Whispers of Oblivion: The second war, etched not in ink but in whispered lore and hidden scars upon the land, is a mystery shrouded in shadows. Some believe it a figment of forgotten dreams, a ghost of history echoing in the minds of those who delve too deep into the past. Others see its traces in the abrupt silencing of ancient dragon lineages, the sudden disappearance of entire libraries, and the rise of strange energies that warp the fabric of reality.   A Legacy of Secrets: The dragons themselves hold the key to this forgotten history, but their motives remain as inscrutable as their lairs. Are they silent guardians, slumbering sentinels watching over the world they once shaped? Or are they cunning players in a grand game whose rules even the oldest scholars cannot grasp? Perhaps they are both, weaving their lives through the tapestry of fate with an ageless wisdom and a burning, enigmatic fire.
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