Ippah Hospital

Summer Camp 2021 article - Under Construction

The Ippah Hospital is known as the most advanced medical facility worldwide. This is largely due to the fact it was once build by The Forgotten. The hospital is part of a larger area of buildings known as the Ippah Medical Foundation & University. Its international fame brings many medical students to the island who, as part of their training, work in the hospital during their time at the university.


Although the island of Ippah has been inhabited for thousands of years, it was not until the year 2186 AP that the true purpose of the building was rediscovered. With hundreds of rooms, some of which were filled with strange devices and artefacts, it has long been a forbidden place to the natives who believed it was once build by the Gods. Some native scholars were intrigued by this forbidden building though. However, any research about it, had to be done in secret due to the sensitive nature of the place. Even after scholars figured out the original purpose of the building, it took several years before it was finally no longer off limits. Over time many people with an interst in healing and caring for the sick came to the hospital to help figure out the purpose of the devices inside. For some of those they succeeded. Others are still as much a mystery as they have always been.


Several years after the re-opening of the hospital a plan was set in motion. This led to the founding of the Ippah Medical Foundation & University. Buildings were erected to serve as the various locations needed to house students, teach classes, and research conditions and cures. The IMFU has since become a partly international organisation, sending teams out into the world to places where they are needed. In recent years the organisation became a worldwide sensation when a team was granted the use of The Wayfarer in search of the origin of Sirens Plague. They made such groundbreaking progress that sailors all over the world learned their findings and received training in how to deal with the disease.



Medical equipment

Founding Date
Parent Location


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