Candy le Coco Character in Earth - 2045 | World Anvil
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Candy le Coco


Candy le Coco is the owner of Gusset


Candy le Coco is a vibrant presence, a beacon of glittering glamour and fierce charisma. As the owner of Gusset Club, she commands attention with her larger-than-life persona and unapologetic attitude. With her flawless makeup, extravagant costumes, and towering heels, Candy is a vision of extravagance and style.
  Despite her flamboyant exterior, Candy is a savvy businesswoman with a keen eye for opportunity. She runs Gusset Club with a firm hand, balancing the demands of running a successful establishment with her passion for performance. Under her guidance, Gusset Club is quicklys become a thriving hotspot in the Pleasure District, drawing in crowds from all walks of life.
Status: Active
Afilliations: NA
Designation: Nightlub owner
Unit contact: Stacker Pentecost.