Stacker Pentecost Character in Earth - 2045 | World Anvil
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Stacker Pentecost


Enforcer for Unit 0


Stacker is an outlander, raised in the Badlands beyond the city. He was raised in the Cult of Minerolo.
Stacker chose to leave the cult at 16 when he realised he was more suited to a life of action rather than worship, and joined up Greasers. He became a desert bounty hunter, chasing down city low lifes and bad guys that thought they could escape to the desert. Eventually this work brought him to the city, which he took to immediately. He doesn’t really miss the desert or the cult itself (which he was free to leave), but he does keep in touch with his salt-loving friends back home. If they ever needed him, he’d come running.
  Stacker is a friend of the night owls, the club owners, the street walkers. Fiercely protective of his friends, the unofficial bouncer of the Pleasure District. If you have a problem, you go to Stacker, he’ll take care of it. He still does a bit of bounty hunting on the side, but only if he thinks the mark is genuinely bad. He’s a good guy really, even if his methods can be questionable. no one know where he lives, or how exactly he makes his money, but everyone knows him.
Status: Active
Rank: Cadet
Residence: unknown
Played by: Becks Collins


Friend: Candy le Coco .