Hernandez Associates Organization in Earth - 2045 | World Anvil
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Hernandez Associates


The largest copreration in Neo Bureris. It is one of the big three 


Hernandez Associates is a formidable corporation, recognized as the preeminent entity in the urban landscape. As the foremost conglomerate in the city, Hernandez Associates holds a dominant position within the corporate hierarchy, often referred to as one of the "big three " entities shaping the socio-political and economic landscape. The corporation's operations primarily focus on data broking and financial services, with a recent foray into the development of surveillance technology, cementing its influence in the realms of information and control.

Corporate Profile

Established as a powerhouse in the city, Hernandez Associates has cultivated a reputation for unparalleled expertise in data management and financial operations. Its extensive network of resources and strategic alliances has facilitated its meteoric rise to dominance, enabling the corporation to wield significant influence over the city's economic infrastructure.


Hernandez Associates specializes in two primary domains: data broking and financial services. Leveraging cutting-edge technology and advanced analytics, the corporation excels in the acquisition, analysis, and dissemination of data, positioning itself as a pivotal player in the information economy. Additionally, its robust suite of financial services encompasses a broad spectrum of offerings, ranging from investment management to asset allocation, catering to the diverse needs of its clientele.

Expansion into Surveillance Technology

In recent years, Hernandez Associates has expanded its operations into the development of surveillance technology, capitalizing on emerging trends in security and monitoring. This strategic pivot underscores the corporation's commitment to maintaining its competitive edge in an increasingly volatile and interconnected world, further solidifying its influence over matters of control and governance.

Rumors of Espionage Network

Persistent rumors swirl regarding Hernandez Associates' purported access to a vast web of spies, fueling speculation about the extent of its clandestine activities. While such claims remain largely unsubstantiated, the corporation's reputation as a master manipulator of information and influence only serves to amplify these whispers, casting a shadow of intrigue over its operations.

Subversion of Government Authority

Despite its ostensibly lawful facade, Hernandez Associates has been accused of subverting governmental attempts to maintain law and order. Through subtle manipulation and strategic maneuvering, the corporation has gradually infiltrated positions of power within the government, exerting its influence behind the scenes to further its own agenda.  

Internal Strife and Power Struggles

Recent reports of internal strife and power struggles within Hernandez Associates have rocked the corporate landscape, revealing a dark underbelly of treachery and betrayal. Executives at the highest echelons of the corporation are rumored to be engaged in clandestine plots to eliminate rivals and consolidate power, plunging Hernandez Associates into a state of turmoil and uncertainty.
Corporation, Commerce


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