Big three Organization in Earth - 2045 | World Anvil
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Big three


The three largest corporations in Neo Bureris. Colloquialy known as the "big three"

- Arc International.

Arc International stands as the preeminent technology corporation in the world, renowned for its groundbreaking innovations and vast wealth. Despite its innovative prowess, Arc International is often characterized by bureaucratic tendencies, navigating a labyrinthine internal structure that can hinder swift decision-making. Nevertheless, its financial might surpasses even that of most other corporations, allowing it to maintain its dominant position in the industry.

-Hernandez Associates

Hernandez Associates is a formidable corporation, recognized as the largest corporation in the city. The corporation's operations primarily focus on data broking and financial services, with a recent foray into the development of surveillance technology.


-Phoenix Industrial.

Phoenix Industrial is a prominent biotechnology and pharmaceutical corporation that has garnered attention for its rapacious practices, strategic acquisitions, and ambitious pursuit of scientific innovation, notably in the realm of human longevity and cybernetic enhancement.
Corporation, Conglomerate


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