Knuckles Character in Earth - 2045 | World Anvil
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low level gang enforcer for the Motorhead Yakuza


Hailing from Ireland, Knuckles sought a new life in the bustling streets of the Fynnmere Slums , where he eventually found himself drawn into the underworld of the Motorhead Yakuza. Despite his considerable talents and unwavering loyalty, Knuckles has remained at a lower level within the organization due to his outsider status.
Knuckles' Irish roots are evident in his dry wit and his fondness for storytelling, often shared over a glass of whisky in the local establishments. Raised in the countryside of Ireland, Knuckles developed a rugged resilience and a fierce determination to overcome any obstacle. His combat skills are finely honed, allowing him to hold his own against even the toughest adversaries. Despite his lean frame, his punches pack a devastating punch, capable of incapacitating opponents with ease.
Status: Active
Afilliations: Motorhead Yakuza.
Designation: Enforcer
Unit contact: Takashi Kuragan.


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