Phoenix Industrial in Earth - 2045 | World Anvil
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Phoenix Industrial


A corporation specializing in biotech and pharmaceuticals. it is concidered one of the big three.


Phoenix Industrial is a prominent biotechnology and pharmaceutical corporation that has garnered attention for its rapacious practices, strategic acquisitions, and ambitious pursuit of scientific innovation, notably in the realm of human longevity and cybernetic enhancement. its CEO is Dr Delgado


Founded by the enigmatic Dr Delgado , Phoenix Industrial rose to prominence through a series of aggressive buyouts and mergers, swiftly solidifying its position as a dominant force in the biotech and pharmaceutical sectors. Dr. Delgado's charismatic leadership and visionary zeal cultivated a cult of personality among the corporation's employees, fostering an unwavering devotion to his mission and ideals.

Corporate Strategy

Phoenix Industrial's primary objective revolves around the ambitious pursuit of human immortality. Fueled by Dr. Delgado's relentless pursuit of scientific advancement, the corporation channels its resources into groundbreaking research and development projects aimed at extending human lifespan and enhancing physical capabilities.

Breakthroughs and Innovations

One of Phoenix Industrial's most significant breakthroughs came in the form of Collins 14, a revolutionary drug designed to facilitate the seamless integration of cybernetic enhancements into the human body. Radivo's discovery revolutionized the field of cyberware, mitigating rejection risks and significantly enhancing the compatibility and efficacy of cybernetic implants. This breakthrough catapulted Phoenix Industrial to the forefront of cybernetic innovation, solidifying its reputation as a trailblazer in the augmentation industry.

Ethical Concerns

Despite its technological achievements, Phoenix Industrial's relentless pursuit of scientific progress often raises ethical concerns. Critics condemn the corporation's cutthroat business tactics, exploitation of employees, and disregard for moral boundaries in its quest for immortality. The cult-like devotion to Dr. Delgado further exacerbates these concerns, fueling speculation and conspiracy theories surrounding the true nature of the corporation's research endeavors.

Impact on Society

Phoenix Industrial's influence extends far beyond the confines of corporate boardrooms, shaping the socio-political landscape of the world. The proliferation of Radivo and other pharmaceutical advancements has sparked debates over the commodification of human life and the growing divide between the privileged elite and the disenfranchised masses. As Phoenix Industrial continues to push the boundaries of scientific possibility, its actions wield considerable influence over the fate of humanity in an increasingly dystopian future.


Despite facing scrutiny and opposition from various factions, Phoenix Industrial remains a formidable player worldwide, driven by its unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of human potential. As the corporation marches ever closer to the elusive goal of immortality, its legacy is destined to leave an indelible mark on the annals of history, for better or for worse.