Pleasure District Settlement in Earth - 2045 | World Anvil
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Pleasure District


The primery entertainment district in Neo Bureris.


The Pleasure District is a notorious district within the cityscape renowned for its vibrant nightlife and seedy underbelly. Comprised of a myriad of nightclubs, casinos, bars, and lounges, it serves as a hub for entertainment and debauchery, attracting corp workers and other city inhabitants alike. Despite its glitzy exterior, the Pleasure District harbors a dark secret: it is a center for human trafficking. Operating under the guise of "training indentures," people are bought and sold within its confines. The district has gained notoriety as the easiest place to acquire "workers," with the local police turning a blind eye due to bribery from the gangs that operate within its boundaries. The primary facilitators of this trafficking is the Outer Ring Smugglers  who bring in people from outside the city to be sold.   Cult of the Omnissiah  has a strong presence here due to the fact the district boasts one of the highest concentrations of androids in the city. Arc, a leading producer of androids, maintaining a stronghold within the district.   Despite its sordid reputation, the Pleasure District continues to thrive as a hotspot for entertainment and vice in Neo Bureris, its neon-lit streets beckoning both pleasure-seekers and those with more sinister intentions alike.


Nightclub: Gusset