Powder Crawford Character in Earth - 2045 | World Anvil
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Powder Crawford


An ex streeworker with contacts all over the city


Powder was raised in the Fynnmere Slums with her older sister Vi. When she was 12 years old, her family got raided by the corps, on allegations of stolen property - this led to her parents being killed infront of her. Vi looked after her thereafter, doing small robbery jobs and the odd bust-in. Powder tried her best to help her older sister but always got in the way, and one day, during a robbery that turned bad, Vi shouted at Powder and asked her to leave her alone. It was just a moment of frustation, but Powder couldn't help but feel abandoned, and so, she ran away. From there on, her world has been a constant struggle, but she was determined to make it somehow. Her hard work has paid off, as now she is known as one of the best professional companions. Word on the street is that she has been intimate with some of the most notorious CEOs of the corp world. It is also a little known fact that a certain shareholder has become obsessed with her skillset.   For Powder this is all of little relevance, as all she wants is to find her sister, as deep down, she just wants a family.
Status: Active
Rank: Cadet
Residence: Workers cubes.
Played by: Zaira Hernandez


Aquaintence: Cassandra Starling.   Aquaintence: Silico.