Silico Character in Earth - 2045 | World Anvil
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Silico is a dealer in Restricted Narcotics


Silico operates as a clandestine figure in the depths of the cyberpunk underworld, specializing in the distribution of restricted narcotics. Silico is a master of evasion, weaving through the shadows with an uncanny ability to evade detection. His operations remain shrouded in secrecy, conducted under the cover of darkness and away from prying eyes. Despite his elusive nature, Silico is known to be fair in his dealings, garnering a reputation for reliability and integrity among those in the know.   Counted among Silico's clientele are the affluent and influential of the city, including CEOs, politicians, and underworld kingpins. His supply of restricted narcotics caters to the vices of the elite, offering a potent escape from the pressures of their high-stakes lives. With discretion as his hallmark, Silico ensures that his clients' identities remain protected, solidifying his position as a trusted supplier in the shadows.
Status: Active
Afilliations: NA
Designation: Dealer
Unit contact: Powder Crawford.