Department of English

The aging Dr. Eastman is interim chairman; already there is talk of his retirement and the name of Prof. Albert Wilmarth, senior professor in the department, has been mentioned as his replacement.

Though there are a handful of historically-oriented literature classes at the graduate level, most readings are done in conjunction with the extensive composition classes which seek to enliven and perfect student expression and style. There are also some descriptive linguistics courses analyzing or codifying (depending on the instructor’s bent) the grammar, structure, and transformations of English, and a solitary theoretical course seeks to discover the underlying principles of all language, taught by Dr. StanleyWhitman, 49.

The department also guides Miskatonic University Press and the publishing and printing of books is now a substantial activity. Dr. Swanson Ames, 51, oversees the work. Ames is also responsible for publication of the student newspaper, the Miskatonic University Crier. He reads every line of copy, and wields a notoriously capricious blue pencil. He hates the student editor, Howard Penobscott.


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