Hotel España Building / Landmark in Earth - Early 20th Century | World Anvil

Hotel España

Hotel España is a small establishment, boasting 12 rooms, split over two floors. It is located on the corner of a busy street of shops in Lima District. There is no reception desk, although a small, white-haired woman in a woolen shawl sits in the foyer and greets visitors. She is the owner, Petronila Cupitina.

The interior of the hotel is decorated in an eccentric manner with its walls painted in bright primary colors and covered with paintings and photographs. The common areas are filled with an eclectic selection of statues, plants, and artworks. The bedrooms are similarly decorated, and those on the upper floor each have a small balcony, accessed via French windows.

de Mendoza's Room

Larkin and de Mendoza are staying in neighboring rooms. De Mendoza’s room is almost antiseptically neat, with no personal effects, toiletries, or changes of clothes on display. Even the bed is perfectly made and does not appear to have been slept in.

Larkin's Room

Larkin’s room, is chaotic and unpleasant, with suitcases spilling soiled cothing across the floor, and personal effects covering almost every surface. The air in the room reeks of stale sweat and sickness (mixed with the smell of rotten meat, if Larkin is present). If Larkin is asleep in the room or has been recently, the sheets on his bed are soaked with his oily perspiration. There is a small, stoppered glass bottle of liquid on the nightstand, along with a syringe. The label on the bottle, written in Spanish, identifies the contents as heroína (heroin). There is more than enough heroin in the bottle to provide a fatal overdose.

Hospitality, Hotel
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