O'Bannion Crime Synicate

Danny O'Bannion is in complete control of his organization in Arkham although his young age and rapid advancement means he has several lieutenants in Arkham and associates in Boston who are older and view his rise with jealousy. This may prove to be an issue in the future. They would not move against him now, he is too valuable to his superiors in Boston and too in control of daily operations in Arkham. But, any sign of weakness or a change in his fortunes and they may strike against him.

His operations try and stay removed and out of sight from the local population as too not draw much attention from the police and so far, it seems to be working. The "family" does recruit muscle from the local street gangs and uses professional services around town as a legitimate business and this has made for some strange bedfelllows and connections in Arkham. Those youths with enough smarts, muscles, and obedience from the Finns gang will eventually "graduate" to O'Bannion's larger operations. With Joe Potrello out of the picture, even some Italians from the Rocks gang can find their way to working for O'Bannion.

Illicit, Syndicate
Subsidiary Organizations



Despite O'Bannion's Irish heritage and his backing by the Boston Irish mob, he will recruit talent where he finds it and some of the Italian Rocks members have found their way into his organization.

Articles under O'Bannion Crime Synicate


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