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Charlie Allen (a.k.a. Sun-Bolt)

Sun-Bolt, also known as Charlie Allen, is a unique and powerful figure in the universe of Earth-618. Born from the reactivation of the Time Stone from Earth-816, he embodies the essence of a dying galaxy and holds the potential to harness a multitude of superpowers. Adopted by the Honorary Avengers after a series of cosmic events, Charlie experienced rapid aging before stabilizing into a youthful form. His life became intertwined with his adoptive brother, Max Allen, and a strong bond formed between the two.   Charlie's pivotal role in rescuing Professor Crazy from the Mirror Dimension propelled him into the multiverse, where he embraced the exhilaration of his powers and responsibilities. Donning the mantle of Sun-Bolt, he became a symbol of hope and power, navigating the cosmos to bridge gaps between civilizations and save planets. Charlie's confidence sometimes borders on arrogance, fueled by his unmatched abilities and the adoration he receives.   His abilities include power absorption and mimicry, superhuman strength, plasticity, flight, adhesive appendages, matter manipulation, energy manipulation, immense durability, environmental protection, and the ability to restore life. Charlie's iconic attire includes Professor Crazy's red scarf, a golden yellow cloak, red leather braziers, red leather boots, and a navy blue and golden yellow uniform, adorned with white accents.   While Sun-Bolt enjoys the recognition and rewards of his heroic deeds, he also grapples with his egotistical tendencies and the allure of indulgence. He is driven by a desire to harness his full potential and continue exploring the vast multiverse, bridging gaps between civilizations and saving countless lives. Despite the public's calls for his resignation due to the occasional incidents caused by his cosmic endeavors, Sun-Bolt remains an unregulated and unsanctioned hero, standing as a powerful force for good in Earth-618 and beyond.  



2020: Emergence of a Cosmic Being

  In the universe of Earth-816, the Time Stone held within Professor Crazy's possession began to exhibit unusual activity in the early months of the year. The tinkering and experimentation of Professor Crazy inadvertently triggered a sequence of events that had far-reaching consequences across the multiverse. The Time Stone's activation created a disturbance in the fabric of reality itself, awakening the dormant energies of a defunct galaxy designated as TRN-7206.   Within the heart of this cosmic disturbance, the energies coalesced and gained consciousness, taking on a tangible form. Sun-Bolt, the being birthed from the essence of the galaxy, emerged as a young boy. Though physically manifested as a child, Sun-Bolt carried within him the echoes of an entire civilization lost to time. The inherent power and knowledge of a galaxy's worth of experiences and cultures rested within his being.   As the young cosmic entity materialized within Earth-618's reality, his presence was immediately felt. The energies that gave birth to him caused fluctuations in the multiversal fabric, attracting the attention of powerful beings across dimensions. Crash-landing onto Earth-618, Sun-Bolt's impact created a localized upheaval, altering the immediate environment and drawing the attention of those nearby.   Unaware of his own nature and origin, Sun-Bolt awoke on Earth-618 in a state of confusion and wonder. His consciousness was a fusion of his own nascent identity and the memories of a lost civilization. This convergence shaped his understanding of the world around him, casting him into a new existence as a cosmic entity trapped within the form of a young boy.  

2020-2022: A New Home and Rapid Growth

  The discovery of Sun-Bolt by humans exposed to gamma radiation marked the beginning of a new chapter in the cosmic entity's journey. These individuals, struggling with the effects of their mutations, stumbled upon the crash site where Sun-Bolt had landed. Recognizing the unique nature of this being and sensing a potential connection to their own circumstances, they made the decision to bring him into the care of those who could better understand his needs.   The Honorary Avengers, a group of exceptional individuals dedicated to safeguarding Earth-618 from threats both terrestrial and extraterrestrial, became the guardians of the enigmatic Sun-Bolt. Recognizing the potential danger that his presence could pose to Earth and its inhabitants, they worked to ensure his well-being and integration into their reality.   Nia Allen and Raynako Boltagon, respected members of the Honorary Avengers and known as Queen Alexandra and Red-Bolt, took a special interest in the cosmic entity. Recognizing the uniqueness of his situation and the potential he held within, they embraced him as their own. They bestowed upon him the name "Charlie Allen," symbolizing his newfound identity within the realm of humanity.   Despite the challenges that Sun-Bolt's presence posed, Nia and Raynako approached their role as parents with unwavering dedication and love. They provided him with the nurturing environment he needed to flourish, hoping to help him make sense of his own existence. With their guidance, Sun-Bolt began to forge connections and experience the bonds of familial affection that he had long been without.   However, the cosmic nature of Sun-Bolt's essence did not allow for a conventional childhood. The very energies that had given him life also catalyzed a rapid aging process, causing him to grow at an unprecedented rate. In a matter of months, he transitioned from an infant to a teenager, bypassing the normal stages of development that human children experienced. This phenomenon was both a gift and a curse, as it allowed him to adapt quickly to his environment while also robbing him of a traditional childhood.   Amidst his rapid growth, Sun-Bolt, now known as Charlie, found solace in his bond with Max Allen. Max, Nia Allen's biological son, became a beacon of companionship in Charlie's tumultuous journey. Their shared experiences and the camaraderie they developed helped Charlie bridge the gap between his cosmic origins and his newfound human existence. Through their friendship, he began to grasp the essence of humanity and the myriad emotions that accompanied it.  

2022: Adversarial Seed Crisis

  As the year 2022 unfolded, Earth-618 found itself engulfed in a crisis of unprecedented proportions – The Adversarial Seed crisis. This event shook the very fabric of the planet's existence, bringing forth a formidable threat that demanded the collective strength of Earth's defenders.   For Sun-Bolt, this marked his first true encounter with a global catastrophe. Despite his cosmic origins and rapid growth, he had yet to fully integrate himself into the intricate web of Earth's affairs. Nevertheless, his role as a guardian and protector was solidified, and he understood the importance of contributing his unique powers to the defense of his newfound home.   During The Adversarial Seed crisis, Sun-Bolt's involvement was relatively minor compared to the more established superheroes who took center stage. This was a time of observation and learning for him, a chance to witness firsthand the challenges that Earth-618 faced on a grand scale. While he was not yet a central figure in the battle against The Adversarial Seed, he recognized the need to familiarize himself with Earth's defenses and its vulnerabilities.   As the crisis unfolded, Sun-Bolt also began to engage in preliminary investigations of the space around Earth-816, the reality from which he had originated. This was a period of exploration and discovery, as he sought to understand the greater cosmic context that his existence was intertwined with. His fascination with the multiverse and his newfound ability to traverse its realms gave him a unique perspective on the challenges that extended beyond the borders of Earth-618.   While his role in The Adversarial Seed crisis may have been minor, it served as a catalyst for Sun-Bolt's growing awareness of the broader responsibilities that came with his powers. This experience fueled his desire to chart the multiverse and bridge the gaps between civilizations, as he sought to prevent crises like these from befalling other planets and realities.  

2022-2027: Academy and Graduation

  With the stabilization of his rapid aging, Charlie Allen found a semblance of normalcy in his life. The turbulent growth spurts that had defined his early years gave way to a more controlled development as he reached the equivalent age of 18. This marked a turning point for him, allowing him to finally catch up to his physical appearance and gain a sense of stability.   Embracing his superhero identity, Charlie enrolled at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, an institution that catered to those with exceptional abilities. Here, he not only honed his cosmic powers but also pursued academic excellence. His unique background and cosmic origins made him a standout among his peers, and his dedication to his studies reflected his determination to make the most of his second chance at a normal life.   Charlie's time at the Academy was marked by dedication and perseverance. He delved into various subjects, from advanced physics to cosmic phenomena, eager to understand the universe that was both his origin and his playground. His rapid grasp of complex concepts, a result of his accelerated growth and unique perspective, often left his instructors astounded.   By 2027, Charlie Allen stood on the cusp of a new chapter in his life. He was among the first graduating class of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, emerging as one of the Academy's brightest and most promising students. His achievements were a testament to his determination and the unwavering support of his adoptive parents, Nia Allen and Raynako Boltagon.   However, even as he stood at this pivotal moment, Charlie's insatiable curiosity and thirst for adventure tugged at him. His cosmic heritage called to him, urging him to venture beyond the confines of Earth-618 and explore the greater cosmos. It was a decision that would shape his future and the destiny of countless civilizations.   Ultimately, Charlie chose to heed the call of the cosmos. Before the Red Serpent Rising would grip Earth-618 in its clutches, he embarked on a journey beyond the stars, driven by the desire to chart the unknown and forge connections between distant worlds. It was a decision that would lead him to unparalleled adventures, as well as unforeseen challenges that would test the limits of his powers and his dedication to the greater good.  

2027-2030: Red Serpent Rising (Off-World)

  As the Red Serpent Rising event cast its shadow over Earth-618, Sun-Bolt was notably absent from the unfolding turmoil. His decision to venture beyond the stars before the cataclysmic event had far-reaching consequences for his adoptive planet. While the heroes of Earth-618 rallied against the threats that emerged during the Red Serpent Rising, Sun-Bolt was engaged in a cosmic odyssey of his own.   Far removed from the chaos that gripped his home world, Sun-Bolt charted the uncharted, forging connections between distant civilizations and offering his aid to those in need. The decision to be off-world during such a critical moment showcased both his immense potential as a cosmic being and his unwavering commitment to explore the furthest reaches of the universe.   However, the absence of one of Earth-618's most powerful defenders did not go unnoticed. In the midst of adversity, some questioned the wisdom of Sun-Bolt's choice to leave during a time of crisis. Yet, his absence was a testament to his desire to bring hope and aid to countless other planets, to bridge gaps between civilizations, and to showcase the unity that could be achieved in the face of challenges.   While Earth-618 navigated the tumultuous events of the Red Serpent Rising without the presence of Sun-Bolt, his off-world endeavors would prove instrumental in shaping his character, broadening his perspectives, and deepening his connection to the cosmic tapestry that bound together countless worlds and galaxies. It was during this time that he encountered a myriad of species, cultures, and challenges that would help him further understand his place in the universe and his role as a beacon of hope across the stars.  

2037: Symbiote Invasion (Off-World)

  As The Symbiote Invasion gripped Earth-618 in a sinister web of chaos and danger, Sun-Bolt's absence resonated once again. His off-world ventures took him to the farthest corners of the cosmos, where he extended his protective hand to countless civilizations facing their own perils. The choice to remain away from Earth-618 during moments of crisis was a testament to Sun-Bolt's commitment to being a bridge between worlds and galaxies, even at the expense of his presence on his adoptive planet.   While the symbiote threat engulfed Earth-618, Sun-Bolt's cosmic expeditions saw him encountering diverse cultures, forging alliances with cosmic entities, and gaining a deeper understanding of the multiverse's intricate dynamics. His actions beyond the stars provided inspiration to countless beings, demonstrating that unity and cooperation were not limited to a single planet's struggles.   However, some within Earth-618 questioned the implications of Sun-Bolt's absence during pivotal events. While his desire to explore the unknown and bring aid to those in need was admirable, critics argued that his home world needed him as well. The absence of such a powerful defender raised debates about responsibility, the interconnectedness of heroes, and the challenges of balancing personal aspirations with one's duty to protect their own realm.   As Earth-618 grappled with The Symbiote Invasion without the presence of one of its most potent heroes, Sun-Bolt's legacy was solidified across the stars. His journeys left an indelible mark on countless worlds, even as his absence during Earth-618's darkest hours spurred reflection on the role of heroes in times of crisis. Sun-Bolt's absence, paradoxically, reinforced the idea that heroes were not confined to a single world but extended their influence across the infinite expanse of the multiverse.  

2037-Present: Galactic Exploration and Multiversal Adventures

  With the symbiote threat quelled on Earth-618 and his identity as Sun-Bolt known across the cosmos, Charlie Allen's journey of exploration and intervention continued at an even more elevated pace. Equipped with his unique ability to absorb and mimic powers, Sun-Bolt ventured into the furthest reaches of space and time, embracing his role as a bridge between civilizations and galaxies.   His adventures took him to myriad worlds, each with its own unique challenges, cultures, and conflicts. Sun-Bolt's interventions ranged from stopping cosmic cataclysms to thwarting tyrannical forces, all while forming alliances with interstellar beings, cosmic entities, and legendary heroes. His mere presence brought hope to those in despair and unity to fractured civilizations, embodying the ideals of a protector and beacon of light.   As he continued his travels, Sun-Bolt's rapid aging process gradually normalized, allowing him to experience life at a pace akin to a human's. This newfound stability within his form enabled him to delve deeper into the mysteries of the multiverse, learning about the intricate web of realities, dimensions, and cosmic forces that shaped existence.   Despite his absence during Earth-618's critical moments, Sun-Bolt's influence echoed throughout his home planet. His story of multiversal exploration inspired a new generation of heroes and thinkers, encouraging them to seek understanding beyond their own reality. Yet, his absence also led to debates about the balance between personal aspirations and responsibilities to one's place of origin.   Throughout his galactic odyssey, Sun-Bolt's encounters with diverse species, benevolent and malevolent entities, and the cosmic wonders of the multiverse broadened his perspective. As a being born from the remnants of a dying galaxy, he embraced his unique identity and harnessed his powers to uplift those in need, proving that the heart of a hero transcends the boundaries of time, space, and even the fabric of reality itself.  

2042: A Multiversal Hero

  In the year 2042, Sun-Bolt's legacy as a multiversal hero has firmly taken root. His reputation as a cosmic being of incredible power and benevolence continues to grow across countless galaxies and dimensions. With each new adventure, he further cements his place as a symbol of hope, courage, and unity, transcending the limitations of his original home on Earth-618.   While Earth-618's inhabitants have weathered their own trials and tribulations without his direct involvement, Sun-Bolt's absence during key moments remains a point of discussion among scholars, historians, and citizens alike. Some hold that his cosmic endeavors reflect a broader responsibility to the well-being of the entire universe, while others contend that his focus on the grand scale has led to neglecting the needs of his own world.   Regardless of these debates, there's no denying the positive impact Sun-Bolt has made on countless lives. He has intervened in cataclysms, prevented genocides, and brought warring civilizations to the negotiating table. His powers of absorption and mimicry, combined with his innate charisma and leadership, have made him a formidable force for good on a cosmic scale.   Throughout his travels, Sun-Bolt has honed his abilities to an extraordinary degree, mastering a multitude of powers and abilities from various beings he encountered. His adaptability and resourcefulness have turned him into a versatile and potent force, capable of facing challenges that few could even fathom.   As he forges alliances with cosmic entities, explores the boundaries of reality, and saves planets from the brink of destruction, Sun-Bolt's story continues to inspire hope and awe. His journey is a testament to the potential for growth, change, and self-discovery that exists within each individual, no matter their origins or circumstances.   The saga of Sun-Bolt, born from the ashes of a dying galaxy, stands as a testament to the boundless possibilities of existence and the interconnectedness of all life in the vast expanse of the multiverse.  


  Sun-Bolt, also known as Charlie Allen, possesses a dynamic and multi-faceted personality that reflects both his cosmic origins and his experiences as a heroic adventurer. He is a complex blend of confidence, compassion, and curiosity, shaped by his unique journey through life.   At his core, Sun-Bolt exudes an undeniable confidence that is rooted in his immense cosmic power and his track record of saving galaxies and civilizations. This confidence often borders on arrogance, fueled by the recognition and admiration he receives for his heroic deeds. He carries himself with an air of assurance, unafraid to take charge and make difficult decisions, especially in the face of danger.   Despite his self-assured demeanor, Sun-Bolt is not without empathy and compassion. He possesses a genuine desire to help others and protect innocent lives, motivated by his innate understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings in the universe. This compassion is particularly evident in his interactions with individuals from different walks of life and species, as he seeks to bridge gaps between civilizations and foster unity.   Sun-Bolt's adventurous spirit is a driving force in his life. He thrives on exploration, seeking out the unknown and diving headfirst into challenges that others might find overwhelming. His thirst for adventure is matched only by his insatiable curiosity, which compels him to learn about different cultures, technologies, and dimensions. This thirst for knowledge often puts him in situations where he must adapt quickly to new environments and circumstances.   However, Sun-Bolt's experiences have also granted him a sense of responsibility that goes beyond personal satisfaction. He grapples with the weight of being a cosmic entity with the power to change the course of civilizations. This introspective side of his personality prompts him to question the consequences of his actions and consider the broader implications of his interventions.   While his intentions are largely noble, Sun-Bolt's overconfidence and occasional recklessness can lead him to make impulsive decisions that inadvertently cause unintended consequences. He sometimes struggles to balance his cosmic responsibilities with the needs of Earth-618, a dilemma that has earned him both praise and criticism.   In his interactions with others, Sun-Bolt's charismatic nature shines through. He is skilled at inspiring hope and rallying individuals to work together toward a common goal. His ability to connect with people and forge alliances is a testament to his natural leadership qualities and his genuine desire to see a better future for all.   In summary, Sun-Bolt's personality is a blend of confidence, compassion, curiosity, and responsibility. He embodies the duality of his cosmic origins and his human experiences, embracing his role as a multiversal hero while grappling with the challenges that come with wielding such immense power.  


  1. Nia Allen (Queen Alexandra): Nia is Sun-Bolt's adoptive mother and one of the people who took him in when he crash-landed on Earth-618. She provided him with love, care, and a sense of family. Nia's nurturing nature has greatly influenced Sun-Bolt's sense of responsibility and compassion.
  3. Raynako Boltagon (Red-Bolt): Raynako is Sun-Bolt's adoptive father, and like Nia, he played a significant role in raising and guiding Charlie. As a seasoned hero himself, Raynako's mentorship contributed to Sun-Bolt's sense of duty and his understanding of the complexities of being a superhero.
  5. Max Allen: Max is Nia Allen's biological son and Sun-Bolt's close friend. Their brotherly bond developed over shared experiences and mutual support. Max helped Sun-Bolt catch up on the experiences he missed during his rapid growth, and their friendship became a crucial anchor for Sun-Bolt in his unique circumstances.
  7. May Parker: Sun-Bolt's romantic relationship with May Parker was marked by intense feelings and a strong connection. They shared flirtatious banter and embarked on numerous adventures together during their time at the Academy. However, the demands of their cosmic responsibilities and their differing abilities in multiverse travel led them to a crossroads in their relationship.
  9. Professor Crazy: Sun-Bolt formed a unique bond with Professor Crazy, who played a pivotal role in his journey. The connection between the two is linked to the Time Stone and the galaxy TRN-7206. Professor Crazy's tinkering with the Time Stone inadvertently led to Sun-Bolt's emergence, and their interactions shaped both of their paths.
  11. Gemstone, Jet-Black, Rook, and Gamma Lance: These fellow heroes were part of the group that interacted with Sun-Bolt during the crisis involving Professor Crazy and the Mirror Dimension. While their interactions were relatively brief, they left an impact on Sun-Bolt's understanding of teamwork and cooperation.
  13. Multiverse Inhabitants: Throughout his galactic expeditions, Sun-Bolt formed connections with countless individuals from various civilizations. His interventions often brought him into contact with individuals in need, and his role as a Multiversal Guardian allowed him to make a positive impact on their lives.
  15. Civilizations Saved: Sun-Bolt's role as a cosmic protector brought him into contact with entire civilizations and species that he saved from destruction. While these relationships were often brief, they left a lasting impression on both Sun-Bolt and the beings he helped.
  17. Multiverse Entities: In his exploration of the multiverse, Sun-Bolt encountered various cosmic entities, some of which he interacted with to address cosmic threats. These entities had diverse personalities and motivations, and their interactions with Sun-Bolt contributed to his understanding of the complexities of the multiverse.
  19. Critics and Admirers: Sun-Bolt's actions and absence during critical events on Earth-618 garnered both admiration and criticism from the public and fellow superheroes. Some view him as an unregulated and unsanctioned hero making a positive impact, while others question his priorities and commitment to his home dimension.
  21. Earth-618's Heroes: Despite his off-world adventures, Sun-Bolt's reputation as a Multiversal Guardian reached Earth-618's superhero community. While he may not have directly interacted with all of them, his actions and contributions to the greater cosmos earned him respect among his fellow heroes.
  Sun-Bolt's relationships span dimensions, from his adoptive family and close friends to the beings he encounters during his cosmic adventures. Each connection has left a mark on his journey, shaping his understanding of heroism, responsibility, and the complexities of the multiverse.  


  Sun-Bolt possesses a wide array of cosmic powers, including power absorption and mimicry, superhuman strength, plasticity for versatile manipulation, flight, adhesive appendages for climbing, matter manipulation to reshape objects, energy manipulation to absorb and project cosmic energy, immense durability as a star-powered being, environmental immunity in space, life restoration from death, energy constructs and projection, intergalactic travel and multiversal perception, limited time-space manipulation, advanced healing and regeneration, limited reality manipulation, multilingualism, and resurrection anchoring, making him a cosmic guardian capable of intervening in various multiversal crises.  


  1. Cosmic Energy Manipulation: Sun-Bolt possesses the ability to harness and manipulate cosmic energies, granting him an array of powerful abilities.
  3. Power Absorption/Mimicry: Sun-Bolt can copy and manifest powers from other individuals, granting him an extensive range of abilities that he can use when necessary.
  5. Superhuman Strength: Sun-Bolt has enhanced strength, allowing him to lift and manipulate objects weighing over 3 tons.
  7. Plasticity: He can manipulate his hair, similar to his father Red-Bolt and grandmother Medusa, using it to interact with objects, extend his reach, and gain tactical advantages.
  9. Flight: Sun-Bolt can self-propel himself through the air at speeds exceeding 250 miles per hour.
  11. Adhesive Appendages: He can secrete a sticky substance from his hands and feet, enabling him to cling to surfaces and traverse almost any terrain.
  13. Matter Manipulation: Sun-Bolt can manipulate both living and non-living material, transforming them into various shapes and forms. He's also capable of transmuting matter on a permanent basis.
  15. Energy Manipulation: He can absorb and convert energy into potential power, as well as project intense cosmic radiation to repel foes and disrupt attacks.
  17. Immense Durability: As the embodiment of a dying star, Sun-Bolt possesses incredible durability, capable of withstanding immense amounts of damage.
  19. Environmental Protection: He is immune to the effects of space travel, including lack of oxygen, extreme temperatures, and changes in barometric pressure.
  21. Life Restoration: Sun-Bolt can resurrect the deceased by reclaiming their souls from the realm of death.
  23. Energy Constructs: He can create solid objects and constructs out of cosmic energy, forming weapons, shields, and tools as needed.
  25. Energy Projection: Sun-Bolt can unleash powerful beams and bursts of cosmic energy as offensive attacks.
  27. Intergalactic Travel: He can traverse the cosmos and multiverse, crossing dimensional barriers and traveling vast distances.
  29. Multiversal Perception: Sun-Bolt possesses an enhanced understanding of the multiverse, allowing him to navigate its intricacies and complexities.
  31. Time-Space Manipulation: He has a limited ability to manipulate time and space, enabling him to create portals and time vortices for travel and exploration.
  33. Advanced Healing: Sun-Bolt's accelerated healing factor grants him rapid recovery from injuries, including regenerating his body after destruction.
  35. Reality Manipulation (Limited): He has a restricted ability to manipulate reality, allowing him to alter and reshape aspects of his environment to a certain degree.
  37. Resurrection Anchoring: He can restore life to deceased beings by anchoring their souls to his cosmic essence.
  These superpowers enable Sun-Bolt to protect the universe and intervene in cosmic and dimensional crises, making him a formidable and versatile hero in his ongoing multiversal adventures.  


  1. Multilingualism: Sun-Bolt is proficient in numerous languages, including galactic tongues like Kree, Skrull, and Shi'ar.
  3. Leadership Skills: Due to his experience as a multiversal guardian, Sun-Bolt has honed his leadership abilities, making him adept at coordinating and leading teams during crises.
  5. Multiversal Knowledge: Sun-Bolt's travels across the multiverse have granted him a deep understanding of various civilizations, cultures, and histories, making him a valuable source of information and insights.
  7. Strategic Thinking: He possesses excellent strategic and tactical thinking, allowing him to devise effective plans in high-pressure situations.
  9. Intergalactic Diplomacy: Sun-Bolt's interactions with countless species have developed his diplomatic skills, enabling him to negotiate and mediate conflicts between different alien races.
  11. Astrophysical Understanding: As a cosmic being, Sun-Bolt has gained insights into astrophysics and celestial phenomena, aiding him in navigating and understanding the complexities of space and time.
  13. Energy Regulation: He can finely control and regulate his energy output, preventing accidental disruptions and maintaining stability in various environments.
  15. Empathy and Compassion: Despite his power, Sun-Bolt retains a strong sense of empathy and compassion, striving to protect and assist innocent lives across the multiverse.
  17. Innovation and Adaptation: Sun-Bolt's exposure to diverse technologies and civilizations has fostered his adaptability and innovative thinking, allowing him to devise creative solutions to unexpected challenges.
  19. Intuitive Cosmic Awareness: He possesses an innate cosmic awareness, granting him insights into cosmic phenomena, energy fluctuations, and multiversal disturbances.
  21. Enhanced Senses: Sun-Bolt's cosmic physiology provides him with heightened senses, enabling him to perceive energies, vibrations, and anomalies beyond human capabilities.
  23. Dimensional Resonance: He can attune himself to the resonances of different dimensions, enhancing his perception and understanding of various realities.
  25. Masterful Control: Through extensive training, Sun-Bolt has achieved a high degree of control over his powers, enabling him to utilize them effectively and efficiently.
  27. Cosmic Presence: His cosmic energy signature allows him to radiate a calming aura and sense of authority, often instilling hope and reassurance in those around him.
  29. Telepathic Connection: He can establish empathic connections with certain beings, allowing him to understand their emotions and intentions without words.
  31. Interdimensional Empathy: Sun-Bolt's experiences across dimensions have granted him a unique form of empathy, allowing him to connect with individuals from various backgrounds.
  33. Timeless Existence: As a cosmic entity, Sun-Bolt's existence transcends the conventional constraints of time, granting him insights into the past, present, and potential futures.
  35. Universal Observation: He can observe events occurring across different realities and dimensions, making him a valuable source of information for cross-reality crises.
  37. Transdimensional Communication: Sun-Bolt can establish limited communication channels across dimensions, facilitating contact with individuals from alternate realities.
  39. Universal Translation: His heightened awareness enables him to intuitively understand and communicate in various languages, including those from distant galaxies and realities.
  41. Universal Harmony: Sun-Bolt's presence can sometimes stabilize and harmonize cosmic energies within a given area, temporarily restoring balance to disrupted environments.


  Sun-Bolt's cosmic adventures and his intrinsic powers have minimized his reliance on traditional paraphernalia. However, he carries a few items that hold sentimental value or practical utility:  
  1. Professor Crazy's Scarf: This heirloom scarf, initially drawn to Sun-Bolt during his emergence, holds a form of sentience and attachment to those with quirky thoughts. While not a crucial tool, it often finds itself wrapped around Sun-Bolt's neck, reminiscent of his encounter with Professor Crazy.
  3. Multiversal Communicator: A device of his own invention, this wrist-mounted communicator allows Sun-Bolt to establish communication channels across dimensions, enabling him to stay connected with beings from various realities.
  5. Galactic Map: Sun-Bolt possesses a unique multidimensional map that he constantly updates with information about planets, civilizations, and cosmic anomalies. This map aids him in charting his explorations across the multiverse.
  7. Travel Satchel: For practicality during his travels, Sun-Bolt carries a small satchel containing essentials such as energy supplements, universal translator modules, and emergency rations. It also holds various mementos from the planets he's visited.
  9. Mobile Multiversal Orrery: A miniature device that assists Sun-Bolt in navigating through different dimensions and realities, ensuring he can find his way back to his point of origin in case of unexpected shifts.
  11. Transdimensional Trinkets: Sun-Bolt sometimes carries tokens or trinkets from different dimensions as reminders of his encounters and experiences. These mementos help ground him and serve as symbols of the diverse lives he's encountered.
  While Sun-Bolt's powers are his primary assets, these paraphernalia items support his journeys and enhance his cosmic explorations across the multiverse.  


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sun-Bolt's general physical condition is a testament to his unique nature as a cosmic entity. Possessing the body of a young man in his late 30s, his appearance and physicality reflect his connection to the universe and the immense power he wields. His body exudes an aura of vitality, with a vibrant energy that seems to radiate from within.   His posture is confident and commanding, a reflection of his self-assured nature and his role as a protector of countless worlds. His movements are fluid and agile, a result of his enhanced physical abilities and his experiences navigating the challenges of the multiverse.   Sun-Bolt's physical endurance is remarkable, allowing him to withstand the rigors of interstellar travel, combat with cosmic adversaries, and the strain of utilizing his vast array of powers. His skin carries a subtle luminescence, a visual manifestation of the cosmic energy that courses through his veins.   Despite his extraordinary abilities and cosmic origins, Sun-Bolt's physical form maintains a humanoid appearance, which enables him to interact with various species and civilizations throughout his multiversal journeys. His general physical condition is a harmonious blend of strength, resilience, and the awe-inspiring essence of a celestial being.

Identifying Characteristics

Sun-Bolt, also known as Charlie Allen, possesses a distinct and captivating appearance that reflects his cosmic origins and his role as a powerful being. His vibrant blue eyes shimmer with an otherworldly radiance, hinting at the cosmic energy that courses within him. His blonde hair flows with an almost ethereal glow, reminiscent of the stars themselves. A strong, chiseled jawline complements his facial features, giving him a sense of determination and confidence.   Standing at a height of 5'11", Sun-Bolt's physique exudes a harmonious blend of strength and grace. His build is lean and athletic, a testament to his many adventures and battles across the multiverse. His skin, though pale, carries a subtle luminescence that sets him apart from ordinary humans, a reminder of his celestial nature.   Draped in his iconic attire, Sun-Bolt wears a golden yellow cloak that billows behind him like a cosmic trail, symbolizing his journey through space and time. His crimson red and navy blue uniform underneath boasts intricate designs that evoke images of galaxies and constellations, a representation of his connection to the cosmos. The white accents on his costume further enhance its visual impact.   In the midst of his heroic endeavors, Sun-Bolt's appearance is truly extraordinary, embodying the cosmic forces he harnesses and the responsibility he carries as a bridge between worlds.

Physical quirks

Sun-Bolt's physical presence is marked by a few intriguing quirks that hint at his cosmic nature and the power he embodies.  
  • Cosmic Glow: His skin emits a faint, ethereal glow, especially in moments of heightened emotion or when he taps into his cosmic powers. This luminescence is a visual representation of the energy that flows within him.
  • Radiant Eyes: Sun-Bolt's blue eyes often appear to sparkle or shimmer, reminiscent of distant stars. This phenomenon is more pronounced when he's experiencing strong emotions or channeling his abilities.
  • Inexplicable Weight: When Sun-Bolt stands still or hovers, there's a curious sensation around him—almost as if he's affecting the gravitational field. Objects and loose materials nearby might slightly sway or shift in response to his cosmic presence.
  • Energized Hair: His blonde hair has a subtle kinetic quality, gently moving as if responding to an unseen cosmic breeze. This phenomenon is more noticeable when he's using his powers or engaged in intense actions.
  • Astral Echo: When he's deeply focused or using his cosmic senses, a faint astral echo of his presence might appear, outlining his form in shimmering energy. This phenomenon is visible only to those attuned to the cosmic forces he harnesses.
  • Subdued Cosmic Traces: In moments of fatigue or vulnerability, faint constellations resembling those in the night sky might appear on his skin. These ephemeral patterns are symbolic of the galaxies he embodies and serve as a reminder of his unique existence.
  These physical quirks add an otherworldly aura to Sun-Bolt's appearance, reflecting his connection to the cosmos and the extraordinary power he wields.

Apparel & Accessories

Sun-Bolt's attire is a captivating blend of cosmic symbolism and superhero aesthetics, designed to reflect his extraordinary nature and his role as a guardian of the universe.  

Superhero Costume

  His primary costume is a visual masterpiece that seamlessly fuses elements of space and heroism. It consists of a navy blue and golden yellow uniform, meticulously tailored for both functionality and style. The design incorporates white accents that create a striking contrast against the dominant colors.   Golden Yellow Cloak: Draped gracefully over his shoulders, the golden yellow cloak flows like a radiant aurora, symbolizing the cosmic energy he harnesses. It's adorned with intricate patterns reminiscent of galaxies and stars, showcasing his celestial connection.   Red Leather Bracers: These bracers, adorned with intricate engravings, protect his forearms while also serving as conduits for his cosmic energy manipulation. They emanate a faint glow when he's channeling his powers.   Red Leather Boots: His boots, designed for swift and agile movement, extend up to his mid-calves. The durable material is accented with golden yellow trims, adding a touch of elegance to his outfit.   Professor Crazy's Scarf: A cherished relic, the red scarf is a sentimental artifact that carries a sense of whimsy and nostalgia. It is worn draped around his neck, serving as a connection to his friend and a reminder of his past adventures.   This costume not only showcases Sun-Bolt's cosmic powers but also exudes an air of regal heroism. The balance between vibrant colors, cosmic motifs, and practicality embodies his role as a protector of the multiverse.   When Sun-Bolt isn't wearing his iconic superhero costume, he opts for comfortable and casual attire that allows him to blend in with everyday life. He might be seen in a simple yet stylish outfit, often consisting of well-fitted jeans or trousers paired with a casual t-shirt or button-up shirt. He prefers earthy tones and muted colors for his casual wear, creating a low-key and relaxed appearance. Depending on the weather, he might layer his outfit with a light jacket or a hoodie. Comfortable sneakers or casual shoes complete his ensemble, allowing him to move around freely. This casual attire reflects his desire to enjoy some anonymity and downtime away from his superhero persona while remaining effortlessly fashionable.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Sun-Bolt possesses a deep and nuanced understanding of gender, owing to his unique experiences and interactions across the multiverse. Having encountered various societies, cultures, and beings with diverse gender identities, Sun-Bolt holds a progressive and inclusive perspective on the concept of gender.   For Sun-Bolt, gender is not confined to a binary understanding but rather a complex spectrum encompassing a multitude of identities. He recognizes that gender is a deeply personal aspect of an individual's identity, influenced by cultural, social, and personal factors. This understanding has been further broadened by his interactions with beings who possess different forms, genders, and even non-binary expressions.   Sun-Bolt's cosmic nature has also allowed him to grasp the interconnectedness of all beings, regardless of their gender. He believes in treating everyone with respect and dignity, valuing their individual experiences and identities. In this regard, his understanding of gender is not only theoretical but deeply rooted in his actions and interactions with others.   As for his own gender identity, Sun-Bolt identifies as male, aligning with his physical appearance and the pronouns he/him. However, he acknowledges the complexity of identity and is always open to learning from others and adapting his understanding as he continues his journey through the multiverse.


Sun-Bolt approaches sexuality and sexual orientation with the same open-minded and inclusive perspective that he applies to gender. Having encountered a vast array of beings with diverse orientations and relationships across the multiverse, he understands that sexuality is a deeply personal aspect of one's identity and can manifest in various ways.   He respects and supports individuals' autonomy in defining their own sexual orientation and expressing their sexuality. Sun-Bolt believes that love and connection are fundamental aspects of existence, and he views healthy and consensual relationships as valuable components of a person's well-being.   As someone who has witnessed both the challenges and triumphs of various relationships, Sun-Bolt prioritizes respect, understanding, and empathy. He champions the idea that every being deserves to live authentically and embrace their true selves without judgment or discrimination.   In his own personal experiences, Sun-Bolt's identity and understanding of sexuality are fluid, much like his understanding of gender. He values emotional connections and genuine partnerships, regardless of the gender or orientation of the individuals involved. His cosmic perspective has allowed him to embrace a diverse range of relationships, from romantic to platonic, and he encourages others to do the same.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Sun-Bolt's journey through the multiverse has been marked by numerous accomplishments and achievements that have left a lasting impact on countless worlds. Some of his greatest accomplishments include:  
  1. Saving Entire Galaxies: Sun-Bolt's very existence is tied to the restoration of a dying galaxy. By embodying the energy of a dead galaxy, he became a beacon of hope for civilizations on the brink of destruction. His actions have led to the survival and revitalization of entire galaxies, solidifying his legacy as a cosmic savior.
  3. Temporal Bridge Creation: Sun-Bolt's quick thinking and determination led to the creation of a temporal bridge between Earth-618 and Earth-816, allowing him to rescue Professor Crazy from the Mirror Dimension. This act showcased his resourcefulness and dedication to saving those in need, even across different realities.
  5. Multiversal Exploration: His exploration of the multiverse to bridge gaps between civilizations has saved countless planets and lives. His interventions in various conflicts, crises, and natural disasters have made him a symbol of hope and a source of inspiration for numerous civilizations.
  7. Development of Cosmic Powers: Sun-Bolt's journey has led him to develop and harness an array of cosmic powers, many of which are unparalleled in their scope and magnitude. This mastery of powers has allowed him to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges and serve as a beacon of strength for others.
  9. Influence on Galactic Relations: Through his interactions with various species and civilizations, Sun-Bolt has played a pivotal role in shaping intergalactic relations. His diplomatic efforts, heroic actions, and willingness to mediate conflicts have contributed to fostering understanding and cooperation across the cosmos.
  11. Resurrection Ability: Sun-Bolt's unique ability to restore life and bring back souls from death is a remarkable accomplishment that speaks to his cosmic nature. While he wields this power responsibly, its mere existence has profound implications for the multiverse and the balance between life and death.
  13. Inspiring Heroism: His refusal to become a sanctioned superhero and his dedication to helping others on his own terms have inspired countless individuals to stand up for justice, even in the face of adversity. Sun-Bolt's example serves as a reminder that one person's actions can make a difference, regardless of external pressures.
  15. Bridge of Understanding: By "bridging" gaps between civilizations, Sun-Bolt has facilitated cultural exchanges, shared knowledge, and mutual assistance. This has led to a greater sense of interconnectedness and empathy between different species and worlds, fostering a more harmonious universe.
  17. Personal Growth and Humility: Despite his cosmic power, Sun-Bolt has managed to maintain a sense of humility and personal growth. His willingness to learn from others and recognize his own flaws showcases his dedication to continuous improvement and self-discovery.
  Overall, Sun-Bolt's legacy is one of cosmic heroism, selflessness, and a commitment to making the universe a better place for all its inhabitants.

Failures & Embarrassments

Sun-Bolt, despite his incredible powers and heroic endeavors, has also faced failures and embarrassments throughout his cosmic journey. Some of his greatest failures and moments of embarrassment include:  
  1. Unintended Consequences: Despite his best intentions, Sun-Bolt's interventions across the multiverse have sometimes led to unintended consequences. In some instances, his actions have inadvertently caused harm or upheaval in civilizations he sought to help, leaving him with a sense of guilt and responsibility.
  3. Loss of Control: Sun-Bolt's immense power has occasionally become difficult to control, leading to accidental displays of cosmic energy that have caused damage to surroundings and innocent lives. These moments have highlighted the challenge of wielding such cosmic forces responsibly.
  5. Trust Betrayed: Sun-Bolt's trust in certain individuals has been betrayed, leading to situations where he was manipulated or used for ulterior motives. These instances have not only exposed his vulnerabilities but have also left him questioning his judgment and the true motives of others.
  7. Failed Diplomacy: Despite his efforts to mediate conflicts and foster understanding, Sun-Bolt has encountered scenarios where his diplomatic approaches fell short. His inability to prevent clashes between warring factions or to unite civilizations has been a source of frustration and disappointment.
  9. Unintended Side Effects: His restoration of life and manipulation of matter have, at times, resulted in unintended side effects. These could range from unintended alterations of individuals' identities to the creation of unintended consequences in the fabric of reality itself.
  11. Public Criticism: Sun-Bolt's unregulated superheroism and his defiance of corporations and governing bodies have sparked public criticism and controversies. Some view him as a reckless vigilante, putting lives at risk in his pursuit of multiversal heroism, leading to strained relations with certain factions.
  13. Multiversal Incidents: Despite his best intentions, Sun-Bolt's multiversal expeditions have resulted in incidents that had negative consequences for Earth-618 and beyond. These incidents have eroded public trust in his actions and raised concerns about the potential dangers of his unchecked cosmic influence.
  15. Personal Sacrifices: Sun-Bolt's commitment to cosmic heroism has come at a personal cost. His rapid aging and temporal instability have led to missed opportunities for personal growth and relationships, causing him to feel a sense of isolation and loss as he witnesses loved ones age while he remains youthful.
  17. Internal Struggles: As a being of immense power, Sun-Bolt has grappled with internal struggles to maintain humility and control over his ego. There have been moments where his overconfidence or arrogance has clouded his judgment, leading to decisions that he later regretted.
  19. Resisting Temptations: Sun-Bolt's cosmic abilities have attracted the attention of cosmic entities and malevolent forces that seek to exploit his powers for their own agendas. His struggles to resist these temptations and maintain his moral compass have tested his resolve and integrity.
  While Sun-Bolt's failures and embarrassments serve as reminders of his humanity and the complexities of wielding cosmic power, they also contribute to his growth as a character, motivating him to strive for greater understanding and responsibility in his role as a cosmic hero.

Mental Trauma

Sun-Bolt, despite his cosmic powers and heroic status, has not been immune to mental trauma throughout his journey.  
  • Temporal Instability: The rapid aging process he experienced during his early years took a toll on his sense of identity and stability. Witnessing his own physical form rapidly change and then revert left a lasting impact on his psyche, leading to moments of insecurity and uncertainty about his place in the world.
  • Isolation and Loss: Sun-Bolt's temporal instability and cosmic responsibilities have resulted in moments of isolation and loneliness. Watching loved ones age while he remains youthful has created a sense of detachment and loss, contributing to feelings of disconnect from the world around him.
  • Guilt and Responsibility: His interventions across the multiverse have sometimes caused unintended consequences, leading to guilt and a deep sense of responsibility for the outcomes of his actions. He has struggled with the weight of the lives he couldn't save and the harm caused despite his best intentions.
  • Vulnerability to Manipulation: His trust in others and desire to do good have occasionally made him vulnerable to manipulation by individuals with their own agendas. Being used or deceived has left him questioning his judgment and the motives of those around him, creating a sense of betrayal and unease.
  • Cosmic Existentialism: The nature of his cosmic origins and the profound mysteries of the multiverse have led to moments of existential questioning. Contemplating his role as a reincarnation of a dead galaxy and the implications of his powers has caused him to grapple with questions of purpose and destiny.  
  • Struggles with Ego: Despite his heroic intentions, Sun-Bolt's confidence in his powers has occasionally led to moments of arrogance and ego. His internal battles to temper his ego and maintain humility have caused inner conflict and self-doubt, as he questions whether he is truly living up to his potential.
  • Coping with Unpredictability: Sun-Bolt's abilities to manipulate cosmic forces and alter reality come with their own challenges. Coping with the unpredictability and consequences of these powers has led to moments of anxiety and stress as he navigates the balance between his desire to help and the potential for unintended fallout.
  • Multiversal Conflicts: Engaging with conflicts across the multiverse has exposed Sun-Bolt to the darkest aspects of different civilizations and realities. Witnessing suffering, destruction, and the moral complexities of various worlds has contributed to his internal struggles and ethical dilemmas.
  • Fear of Becoming a Threat: Sun-Bolt's immense power and potential have raised concerns about the extent of his cosmic influence. He fears that his powers, if unchecked, could inadvertently become a threat to the very civilizations he seeks to protect, leading to self-imposed pressure to constantly monitor and restrain himself.
  • Balancing Cosmic and Human Aspects: As a being with both cosmic origins and human experiences, Sun-Bolt has grappled with the challenge of integrating these two aspects of his identity. Striving to maintain his humanity while wielding cosmic power has caused inner conflicts and moments of identity crisis.
  These mental traumas contribute to Sun-Bolt's complexity as a character, shaping his motivations, decisions, and emotional responses as he navigates the complexities of being a cosmic hero in a multiverse filled with challenges and uncertainties.

Intellectual Characteristics

Sun-Bolt possesses a combination of intellectual characteristics that reflect his unique origins, cosmic awareness, and personal experiences.  
  • Analytical Mind: Sun-Bolt's cosmic perspective has given him an analytical mind that allows him to quickly assess complex situations and identify patterns. He can process vast amounts of information and draw connections between seemingly unrelated events, aiding him in making informed decisions.
  • Multiversal Knowledge: His experiences traversing the multiverse have granted him a wealth of knowledge about various civilizations, cultures, and technologies. This breadth of understanding allows him to adapt to different environments and situations, as well as provide valuable insights to others.
  • Creative Problem-Solving: Sun-Bolt's exposure to diverse challenges has honed his creative problem-solving skills. He can approach problems from unconventional angles and devise innovative solutions that draw upon his cosmic powers and intellect.
  • Cosmic Awareness: Being the embodiment of a dead galaxy has given Sun-Bolt a unique cosmic awareness. He can perceive and comprehend cosmic phenomena, such as the flow of energy, the interconnectedness of realities, and the underlying forces of the universe.
  • Temporal Understanding: Sun-Bolt's involvement with time manipulation and the Time Stone has granted him a deeper understanding of temporal mechanics. He can grasp concepts related to time travel, alternate realities, and the implications of altering the fabric of time.
  • Ethical Philosophy: His experiences navigating different realities and encountering diverse moral dilemmas have led him to develop a nuanced ethical philosophy. He weighs the consequences of his actions carefully and considers the broader impact on civilizations and timelines.
  • Empathetic Insight: Sun-Bolt's cosmic awareness extends to an empathetic insight into the emotions and motivations of others. This ability allows him to connect with individuals on a deeper level, understanding their perspectives and offering guidance or support.
  • Critical Thinking: He possesses strong critical thinking skills, allowing him to evaluate information, distinguish between fact and speculation, and make rational decisions based on evidence. This skill is essential when dealing with the complexities of cosmic phenomena and multiversal dynamics.
  • Open-Mindedness: Sun-Bolt's exposure to a multitude of realities has cultivated an open-minded approach to new ideas and concepts. He is receptive to unfamiliar technologies, beliefs, and cultures, enabling him to adapt and learn quickly.
  • Leadership Qualities: While not driven by a desire for leadership, Sun-Bolt's experiences and understanding of cosmic forces have naturally led others to look to him for guidance and direction. His ability to inspire and unite individuals from different backgrounds highlights his leadership potential.
  • Curiosity and Learning: Despite his cosmic knowledge, Sun-Bolt maintains a curious and learning-oriented mindset. He continues to seek out new experiences, expand his understanding of the multiverse, and uncover the mysteries that lie within it.
  These intellectual characteristics contribute to Sun-Bolt's role as a cosmic hero who navigates complex challenges, ethical dilemmas, and the mysteries of the multiverse with a combination of knowledge, intuition, and a profound understanding of the cosmos.

Morality & Philosophy

Sun-Bolt's morality and philosophy are shaped by his unique cosmic nature, his experiences traversing the multiverse, and his commitment to safeguarding civilizations and promoting balance. His morality can be summarized by the following principles:  
  • Preservation of Life: Sun-Bolt's core belief is in the value of life in all its forms. His origin as a reincarnated galaxy has instilled in him a deep reverence for existence, leading him to prioritize the preservation of life whenever possible. He views all living beings as interconnected and strives to prevent unnecessary suffering and destruction.
  • Balance and Harmony: Having witnessed the diverse realities and cosmic forces at play, Sun-Bolt understands the delicate balance that maintains the fabric of the universe. He seeks to maintain this equilibrium by preventing the abuse of power, cosmic disruptions, and unchecked dominance that could destabilize entire civilizations or timelines.
  • Guardianship of the Multiverse: Sun-Bolt sees himself as a guardian of the multiverse, responsible for bridging gaps between civilizations and protecting them from external threats. He believes that every reality deserves a chance to thrive and evolve without undue interference.
  • Free Will and Choice: While he recognizes his immense power, Sun-Bolt strongly believes in the importance of free will and individual choice. He does not impose his solutions on others but offers guidance and support to help them make informed decisions that benefit their worlds.
  • Ethical Considerations: Sun-Bolt's experiences have led him to grapple with complex ethical dilemmas that arise from his interactions with various realities. He places great importance on considering the long-term consequences of his actions, striving to minimize harm while fostering positive outcomes.
  • Unity and Collaboration: He emphasizes the value of unity among civilizations and individuals. Sun-Bolt believes that cooperation and collaboration can lead to greater achievements and shared prosperity, and he actively encourages alliances between worlds facing common challenges.
  • Hope and Inspiration: Sun-Bolt understands the power of hope and inspiration in driving positive change. He endeavors to inspire individuals to rise above adversity, embrace their potential, and contribute to the betterment of their societies.
  • Acceptance of Diversity: Having encountered a multitude of realities with diverse cultures, beliefs, and identities, Sun-Bolt embraces the richness of this diversity. He promotes tolerance, understanding, and acceptance, striving to bridge differences and foster mutual respect.
  • Sacrifice for the Greater Good: Sun-Bolt recognizes that some situations may require personal sacrifices to ensure the well-being of others and the multiverse as a whole. He is willing to make difficult choices and endure hardships if it serves the greater good.
  • Continuous Learning: Despite his cosmic awareness, Sun-Bolt believes that there is always more to learn and discover. He maintains a humble and open-minded approach to new knowledge, seeking to expand his understanding of the multiverse and its mysteries.
  In essence, Sun-Bolt's philosophy revolves around the themes of responsibility, balance, interconnectedness, and the promotion of positive change. He strives to be a force of cosmic harmony, guiding civilizations toward prosperous futures while respecting their autonomy and unique paths.


Given Sun-Bolt's cosmic nature and his commitment to upholding balance and harmony across the multiverse, he actively avoids engaging in actions that could be considered taboo or detrimental to the well-being of civilizations. However, due to his unique perspective and responsibilities, there are certain behaviors that others might find unusual or challenging to understand:  
  • Challenging Cosmic Forces: Sun-Bolt's interactions with cosmic entities and phenomena might seem unusual or taboo to those unfamiliar with his cosmic role. He navigates conversations and negotiations with beings beyond mortal comprehension, which could appear mysterious or unsettling to ordinary individuals.
  • Manipulating Reality: In certain circumstances, Sun-Bolt might need to manipulate reality or make use of his matter manipulation abilities to counteract threats or restore balance. While these actions are driven by his commitment to the greater good, they could be seen as unconventional or ethically complex by those unaware of his cosmic mission.
  • Navigating the Multiverse: Sun-Bolt's ability to traverse the multiverse and interact with alternate realities might be difficult for others to comprehend. His connections with various versions of individuals and civilizations could raise questions about identity and continuity.
  • Challenging Authority: Sun-Bolt's reluctance to align with corporations or governing bodies could be considered taboo by those who believe in established structures of authority. His unregulated status as a hero might be seen as defying conventional norms of superhero registration or oversight.
  • Sacrificing Personal Relationships: Due to his cosmic duties and vast responsibilities, Sun-Bolt might sometimes need to prioritize the well-being of the multiverse over personal relationships. This could lead to decisions that others find difficult to understand, especially when it involves leaving loved ones behind.
  • Utilizing Seemingly Unconventional Powers: Sun-Bolt's unique power absorption and mimicry might lead him to manifest abilities that are not typically associated with superheroes. Others could find it challenging to accept his constantly evolving power set, considering it unconventional compared to traditional superpowers.
  • Interacting with Higher Realms: Sun-Bolt's interactions with higher-dimensional beings, such as cosmic entities or forces, might appear strange or even blasphemous to individuals who adhere to religious or philosophical beliefs that differ from his cosmic perspective.
  Overall, Sun-Bolt's actions and behaviors are driven by his cosmic mission and his commitment to maintaining balance and harmony. While some of his choices might challenge societal norms or conventional understanding, they are rooted in his unique cosmic role and his determination to protect the multiverse.

Personality Characteristics


Sun-Bolt's motivation is driven by his innate sense of responsibility and his unique cosmic nature. As the embodiment of a dying galaxy and a being with the potential to harness an array of powers, he feels a duty to protect and preserve life across the multiverse. Sun-Bolt's desire to bridge gaps between civilizations and ensure the safety of countless planets propels him to explore the unknown universe. His experiences as a superhero, the connection to his adoptive parents, and the thrill of saving lives invigorate his commitment to this mission. While he grapples with the weight of his abilities and the public's expectations, his unwavering dedication to making a positive impact remains at the core of his motivation.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Sun-Bolt, being a cosmic entity with vast knowledge and experience, possesses several savvies that contribute to his effectiveness as a superhero and a cosmic being.  


  • Cosmic Knowledge: Sun-Bolt has an intricate understanding of celestial phenomena, space-time mechanics, and cosmic energies. This knowledge allows him to navigate the universe, harness cosmic powers, and comprehend complex cosmic events.
  • Planetary Healing: He has the ability to restore planets and ecosystems from devastation, tapping into the life-giving forces of the cosmos to mend environmental damage.
  • Interdimensional Travel: Sun-Bolt's mastery of cosmic energies enables him to traverse different dimensions and realities, allowing him to explore and intervene across various universes.
  • Universal Insight: He possesses an innate cosmic intuition, granting him foresight into cosmic events and the ability to sense disturbances across the universe.
  • Energy Manipulation: Sun-Bolt can manipulate cosmic energies to a remarkable degree, channeling them for various purposes such as energy blasts, protective shields, and enhancing his own physical abilities.


  • Moral Ambiguity: Despite his noble intentions, Sun-Bolt's cosmic nature sometimes causes him to view events from a detached and broader perspective. This can lead to moments of moral ambiguity as he grapples with the complexities of cosmic balance and individual lives.
  • Emotional Distance: His cosmic identity can occasionally create emotional distance, making it challenging for him to fully empathize with the personal struggles and emotions of mortal beings.
  • Cosmic Hubris: Sun-Bolt's unparalleled power can occasionally give rise to a sense of cosmic hubris, leading him to underestimate the vulnerabilities and limitations of mortal life forms.
  • Temporal Displacement: Due to his unique connection to time and space, Sun-Bolt may experience moments of temporal displacement, losing track of linear time or perceiving events out of sequence.
  • Unpredictable Energy Fluctuations: Manipulating cosmic energies comes with the risk of unexpected energy fluctuations that can cause unintended consequences or disruptions to the fabric of reality.
  These savvies and ineptitudes together shape Sun-Bolt's character, highlighting both his cosmic grandeur and the challenges he faces in navigating the intricate balance of the universe.

Likes & Dislikes


  1. Stargazing: Sun-Bolt finds solace and inspiration in observing the celestial wonders of the universe.
  3. Exploration: He has an insatiable curiosity to discover new worlds, cultures, and dimensions.
  5. Interstellar Phenomena: Sun-Bolt is fascinated by cosmic events like supernovae, black holes, and nebulae.
  7. Acts of Kindness: He appreciates acts of compassion and goodwill, as they mirror his own values.
  9. Cosmic Music: The harmonies of the universe, as well as music inspired by it, resonate deeply with him.
  11. Protecting Innocence: Sun-Bolt is dedicated to safeguarding the vulnerable and innocent from harm.
  13. Philosophical Conversations: He enjoys discussing the deeper meanings of existence and the universe.
  15. Unity: Sun-Bolt values cooperation and unity among different beings and civilizations.
  17. Bridging Gaps: He takes satisfaction in connecting disparate elements for a greater purpose.
  19. Guiding Others: He derives fulfillment from guiding others towards self-discovery and growth.


  1. Unnecessary Conflict: Sun-Bolt abhors violence and seeks peaceful solutions whenever possible.
  3. Exploitation: He despises those who misuse power for personal gain or harm others.
  5. Disruption of Cosmic Balance: Anything that disrupts the natural order of the universe troubles him deeply.
  7. Close-Mindedness: He dislikes individuals who refuse to consider new perspectives or ideas.
  9. Destruction of Nature: Sun-Bolt is saddened by the disregard for nature's beauty and ecosystems.
  11. Injustice: He cannot stand injustice and works to rectify it whenever he encounters it.
  13. Ignorance: He dislikes those who refuse to learn or grow, limiting their potential.
  15. Abuse of Power: Sun-Bolt is opposed to those who use their abilities to dominate or harm others.
  17. Lack of Empathy: He is frustrated by individuals who lack compassion and empathy for others.
  19. Isolation: He dislikes the feeling of being disconnected from the universe and other beings.

Virtues & Personality perks


  1. Compassion: Sun-Bolt's deep empathy guides his actions, always seeking to alleviate suffering.
  3. Courage: He faces challenges head-on, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.
  5. Wisdom: Sun-Bolt's experiences have granted him profound insights into the universe's workings.
  7. Integrity: He holds unwavering moral principles and acts in alignment with them.
  9. Leadership: Sun-Bolt inspires others with his noble example, leading through his actions.
  11. Optimism: He maintains a positive outlook, believing that goodness can prevail in the universe.
  13. Humility: Despite his immense power, he remains grounded and treats all beings with respect.
  15. Resilience: Sun-Bolt bounces back from adversity, using challenges as opportunities to learn and grow.
  17. Adaptability: He embraces change and approaches new situations with an open mind.
  19. Altruism: Sun-Bolt prioritizes the well-being of others above his own desires.


  1. Cosmic Connection: His inherent connection to cosmic energies grants him unique insights and abilities.
  3. Vast Knowledge: Sun-Bolt possesses extensive knowledge about various worlds, cultures, and phenomena.
  5. Universal Communication: He can communicate with different species through a shared cosmic language.
  7. Empowerment: He can enhance others' abilities, strengthening their potential for a limited time.
  9. Soul Resurrection: Sun-Bolt's ability to restore life offers hope even in the face of death.
  11. Interdimensional Travel: He can navigate the multiverse, aiding civilizations in need across dimensions.
  13. Rapid Healing: His ability to rapidly heal from injuries provides him a level of invulnerability.
  15. Celestial Insight: Sun-Bolt can sense disturbances in the fabric of the universe, aiding his heroics.
  17. Eternal Youth: He retains his youthful appearance and vitality due to his cosmic nature.
  19. Universal Protector: His dedication to maintaining balance and harmony in the universe earns him respect and cooperation from various cosmic entities and beings.

Vices & Personality flaws

Sun-Bolt, despite his heroic nature, is not without his vices and flaws:  
  • Ego and Arrogance: The attention and admiration he receives have inflated Sun-Bolt's ego, leading to a sense of superiority and arrogance. He might underestimate the capabilities of others and take unnecessary risks due to his belief in his invincibility.
  • Overindulgence: Sun-Bolt's tendency to indulge in rewards and spoils after successful missions can lead to a lack of self-control. This behavior might not only affect his health but also cloud his judgment in critical situations.
  • Impulsivity: His confidence and power might lead him to act impulsively, without thoroughly considering the consequences of his actions. This impulsive behavior could put him and others in danger.
  • Lack of Empathy: Sun-Bolt's rapid ascension to power and detachment from ordinary human experiences might cause him to struggle with understanding the struggles and emotions of others. This could lead to a lack of empathy in certain situations.
  • Dependency on External Validation: His need for attention and praise could make Sun-Bolt overly dependent on external validation. This might affect his self-esteem and emotional well-being when faced with criticism or failures.
  • Short-Term Focus: Sun-Bolt's rapid aging process in his earlier years might have contributed to a focus on the short term, seeking instant gratification and immediate results without fully considering the long-term consequences of his actions.
  These vices and flaws add depth and complexity to Sun-Bolt's character, showcasing the human aspects beneath his powerful persona.

Personality Quirks

Sun-Bolt possesses a few ticks and quirks that add unique dimensions to his character:  
  1. Cosmic Fidgeting: Due to his immense power and cosmic nature, Sun-Bolt might unconsciously generate minor cosmic phenomena when he's restless or bored. This could manifest as faint glimmers of light, small sparks, or even minor shifts in gravitational forces around him.
  3. Involuntary Glow: When he's feeling intense emotions, particularly excitement or anger, Sun-Bolt's body might emit a faint glowing light. This unintentional manifestation of his energy serves as a visual indicator of his emotional state.
  5. Multiversal Whistling: Sun-Bolt has a habit of whistling cosmic melodies, often without realizing it. These otherworldly tunes can sometimes have effects on the environment, creating subtle shifts in energy around him.
  7. Reality Distortions: In moments of deep concentration or contemplation, Sun-Bolt might unintentionally distort reality around him. Objects might briefly shimmer or waver as if they're not entirely solid. This quirk hints at his connection to cosmic forces.
  9. Narrative Echoes: Sun-Bolt occasionally speaks in a poetic or metaphoric manner, drawing from the vast experiences and cosmic knowledge he's gained. This habit can add an air of mystery to his conversations, as others struggle to decipher the deeper meanings behind his words.
  11. Sudden Glimpses: Sun-Bolt might experience sudden flashes of alternate realities or distant cosmic events. These glimpses could momentarily distract him or provide insights into his current situation, showcasing his unique connection to the multiverse.
  These ticks and quirks offer a glimpse into Sun-Bolt's enigmatic nature and the cosmic forces that shape his existence.


Sun-Bolt maintains impeccable hygiene, a trait that reflects his self-assured and confident demeanor. His cosmic nature allows him to possess a unique affinity for personal cleanliness. Despite his cosmic abilities, he adheres to a regular grooming routine with human practices, ensuring he appears well-kept and presentable.   His showers are efficient, using his energy manipulation abilities to generate water at the perfect temperature and cleanse himself thoroughly. His cosmic aura also helps him stay naturally odor-free, making deodorants unnecessary. He takes pride in his appearance, keeping his golden blonde hair neatly combed and styled.   Sun-Bolt's clothing is always pristine, even after intense battles, as his matter manipulation allows him to instantly mend any tears or damage. This attention to detail extends to his cape, boots, and uniform, all of which remain spotless regardless of his cosmic escapades.   In summary, Sun-Bolt's hygiene routine reflects his cosmic nature and his dedication to maintaining a polished appearance, whether he's saving galaxies or interacting with others in his everyday life.


Social Aptitude

Sun-Bolt possesses a remarkable set of social aptitudes that stem from his diverse experiences and unique perspective. Due to his rapid aging and exposure to various cultures and civilizations, he is highly adaptable and can relate to a wide range of individuals. He has a charismatic and confident presence, making him a natural leader and communicator. Sun-Bolt's interactions are often marked by a blend of wisdom and youthful exuberance, allowing him to connect with people of all ages. His strong sense of empathy and compassion make him an attentive listener and a source of comfort for those in need. While he can command attention in public settings, he is equally adept at forming deep and meaningful one-on-one connections, fostering a sense of trust and camaraderie.


Sun-Bolt exudes a sense of confidence and ease in his gestures and behaviors, reflective of his vast experiences and innate charisma. When speaking, he often adopts a calm and measured tone, his words carrying a weight of wisdom and understanding beyond his years. He frequently employs hand gestures to emphasize his points, using open palms and expressive motions that convey his openness and sincerity. His gaze is steady and direct, showing his unwavering focus on the person he's engaging with. Sun-Bolt's body language is relaxed yet purposeful, portraying his self-assured nature. He tends to stand tall and maintain a strong posture, indicative of his leadership qualities. Despite his confidence, he avoids coming across as arrogant or overbearing, ensuring that his interactions remain inclusive and respectful of others' perspectives.

Hobbies & Pets

Sun-Bolt's interests extend beyond the cosmic and heroic realm into more grounded hobbies. Despite his extraordinary powers and responsibilities, he finds solace in pursuits that offer a break from his larger-than-life role. Some of his hobbies include stargazing, as a nod to his celestial origins, where he contemplates the mysteries of the universe. He also has a fondness for reading, particularly ancient texts and philosophical works that explore the nature of existence and consciousness.   In addition, Sun-Bolt has a passion for art, often creating intricate cosmic-themed paintings that capture the vastness and beauty of space. This creative outlet allows him to express his thoughts and emotions in a tangible form, serving as a form of therapy and reflection.   Furthermore, he enjoys mentoring and teaching, offering guidance to young individuals who aspire to become heroes or make a positive impact on the world. This reflects his commitment to fostering the potential of others and ensuring that the legacy of heroism continues to flourish.   Ultimately, Sun-Bolt's hobbies reflect his multifaceted nature, combining his cosmic origins, intellectual pursuits, and a genuine desire to contribute to the betterment of both individuals and the universe at large.


Sun-Bolt's manner of speaking is characterized by a measured and confident tone, resonating with an underlying sense of wisdom gained from his cosmic experiences. His voice carries a resonant and commanding quality, a testament to his status as a being of immense power. His pitch tends to be in the middle range, neither too high nor too low, conveying a balanced and composed demeanor.   While Sun-Bolt has picked up a refined and articulate way of speaking due to his interactions with various civilizations across the universe, his accent is neutral and often reflects the educated vernacular of those he's engaged with.   Sun-Bolt's dialect is clear and precise, with a tendency to use sophisticated language when explaining complex concepts. He often employs metaphors and cosmic analogies to illustrate his points, which underscores his connection to the universe's mysteries.   In terms of catchphrases and common phrases, Sun-Bolt tends to use expressions that touch upon themes of unity, cosmic balance, and the interconnectedness of all things. He often speaks of "bridging the gaps between civilizations" as a metaphor for his mission to bring harmony and understanding to different worlds.   Compliments from Sun-Bolt are typically thoughtful and reflective, acknowledging the unique qualities and potential of individuals. Conversely, his criticisms or disagreements are conveyed diplomatically, focusing on constructive dialogue rather than confrontation.   Sun-Bolt's greetings and farewells often carry a sense of cosmic resonance, reflecting his celestial nature. He might use phrases like "May the stars guide your path" or "May your journey through the cosmos be luminous" when bidding farewell.   Swearing is not a part of Sun-Bolt's speech; instead, he often channels his energy into more positive and enlightened language. His manner of speaking reflects his commitment to fostering positivity and harmony.   In summary, Sun-Bolt's way of speaking is marked by a balanced, confident tone, accompanied by an articulate dialect that draws from his experiences across the universe. His use of metaphors and cosmic analogies adds depth to his communication, emphasizing his connection to the cosmos and his role as a bridge between worlds.
Circumstances of Birth
Seemingly tied to the "activation" of the Time Stone from Earth-816.
Parents (Adopting)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
185 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases


  • "In the cosmic tapestry, every thread we weave creates ripples across eternity."
  • "As the stars endure, so do we persist."
  • "The universe is a symphony of life, and I am but one note in its melody."
  • "In the cosmos, even the smallest actions echo through infinity."
  • "Embrace the light within, for it is the beacon of possibility."
  • "Balance is not found in dominion, but in harmonious coexistence."
  • "Through the ebb and flow of time, hope remains our constant guide."
  • "The cosmic currents guide me, and I shall be their steward."
  • "As long as stars burn, the spirit of resilience shall endure."
  • "The universe's mysteries are a canvas, and we are its explorers."


  • "I am the cosmic bridge between worlds."
  • "With cosmic power comes cosmic responsibility."
  • "Embrace the radiance within and let it shine."
  • "As the sun rises, so do I stand against the darkness."
  • "In unity, we find strength; in diversity, we find purpose."
  • "Harness the cosmic currents, and let them guide you."
  • "I am the embodiment of starlight's embrace."
  • "Through the cosmos, I journey to mend what's broken."
  • "Where there's chaos, I shall bring cosmic order."
  • "In the heart of the cosmos, I find my purpose."
  These quotes and catchphrases reflect Sun-Bolt's cosmic nature, his sense of duty, and his connection to the universe's grandeur. They encapsulate his role as a guardian of balance and hope in the vast expanse of existence.
Known Languages
Given Sun-Bolt's cosmic nature and his interactions across various civilizations and galaxies, he possesses an extensive linguistic capability. He has an innate understanding of an incredibly diverse range of languages, both earthly and extraterrestrial. This includes a vast array of languages within the Marvel Universe such as Kree, Skrull, Shi'ar, and countless others. Sun-Bolt's unique connection to cosmic forces and his travels throughout the multiverse have granted him the ability to communicate effectively with beings from different corners of the cosmos, fostering understanding and cooperation in his mission to bridge civilizations and maintain harmony.

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