Luis de Mendoza Character in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Luis de Mendoza

Augustus Larkin's personal bodyguard and enforcer.   Luis is apparently some sort of vampiric monster. He attacked Trinidad Rizo at the museum's storeroom, but was intercepted and slain twice by the investigators. In order to ensure he stayed dead the second time, the investigators cut off his head and burned his corpse.   Luis shares the same name as a conquistador from the confessions of Gaspar de Figueroa, suggesting he may be much older than it seems, and was actually turned into a monster in 1541 and cursed with a hunger for humans/

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A gaunt man with pronounced cheekbones and deep-set, piercing blue eyes. His medium-length brown hair is unkempt and he makes no attempt to style it. His clothing is clean, if old and frayed, and he favors light cotton garments (as he does not feel the cold). When traveling the countryside, de Mendoza habitually wears a wide-brimmed black hat.

Identifying Characteristics


De Mendoza and the other kharisiri appear perfectly human most of the time, although they usually have a lean, hungry look to them. If they have not fed recently, they look gaunt, with prominent cheekbones and sunken eyes. Once they have fed, however, their faces and bodies fill out somewhat and they develop potbellies, although they never actually look fat. In their monstrous form, the kharisiri still appear largely human except for their mouths, which extend into large, tooth-covered discs that clamp onto their victims and allow them to be sucked dry. See Kharisiri in Monstrous Form (page 87) for more information about how they feed and the transformation they undergo while doing so.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

One of the original conquistadors who discovered the pyramid in the Andes, Luis de Mendoza has spent the past 370 years as an undead, hunger-driven abomination. Like his fellow kharisiri, he lived in a mindless, bestial state until the fragment of Nyarlathotep in Augustus Larkin reawakened his human intelligence. De Mendoza now serves Larkin unquestioningly, protecting his new master from physical harm, ensuring that those who speak to him do so with respect, and killing anyone who would stand in the way of his master’s plan.   Even in life, de Mendoza was not a pleasant man. After 370 years of inhuman hunger, he is barely capable of polite human interaction. Larkin knows that this can be a liability, so has commanded de Mendoza to be quiet unless told to speak. De Mendoza largely obeys this instruction but sometimes his anger gets the better of him and he snaps at someone he believes is not showing the proper respect to his master or himself. Even when he is quiet, de Mendoza’s body language is obviously hostile. A Psychology roll reveals that he has a special dislike for Jackson Elias.   A successful Language (Spanish) roll identifies that de Mendoza’s accent is not local, and a Hard success or better suggests that he may be from Spain, although it is impossible to pin down a region. Regardless of the degree of success, any Spanish speaker who manages to get more than a few sentences out of de Mendoza notices that his vocabulary and manner of speech seem oddly formal and quite archaic. Like the rest of the former conquistadors, de Mendoza is still driven by the desire to accumulate wealth. He has suppressed this in pursuit of his master’s larger plans, but still takes the opportunity to steal any coins, jewelry, or other obvious valuables he encounters. He will, for example, loot the bodies of those he kills or infects.



De Mendoza rarely speaks, talking only when asked direct questions or issuing threats. He fixes people he meets for the first time with an unblinking stare and watches those around him with an almost predatory degree of hostility. If anyone disparages Larkin in his presence, de Mendoza barks that they should treat “the Master” with respect.

Augustus Larkin's offsetting bodyguard and enforcer

Character Location
Current Location
402 (appears 30)
Deep-set, piercing blue eyes
Unkempt, medium-length brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Incredibly gaunt
140 lbs

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