Bar Cordano Building / Landmark in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Bar Cordano

A restaurant and bar in Lima District. The restaurant is simply but tastefully furnished, with wood paneling and fixtures and a tiled floor. The food is good, with seafood a specialty    

The Entrance

  As you push open the door to the Bar Cordano, a hidden gem nestled in Lima District, you're immediately enveloped by an inviting warmth. The interior greets you with a rustic charm, adorned with rich wood paneling that emanates a comforting earthy scent. Soft lighting casts a gentle glow upon the worn tiled floor, where memories of countless patrons have left their mark.   The air carries a medley of tantalizing aromas, enticing your senses and beckoning you further inside. The murmurs of conversation and clinking of glassware create a soothing background melody. The staff, dressed in formal but worn attire, greet you with friendly smiles and guide you toward an open table. As you navigate through the modestly furnished space, you can't help but appreciate the tasteful simplicity that defines the Bar Cordano.   The menu showcases a delightful selection of dishes, with a particular emphasis on the ocean's bounty – fresh catches of seafood, expertly prepared to captivate your palate. Supposedly, the escabeche, a hot, sweet and sour fish dish, is particularly good.
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