Professor Nemesio Sánchez Character in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Professor Nemesio Sánchez

Prof. Sánchez was one of the first academics hired by the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (National University of San Marcos) when the Museo de Arqueología y Antropología (Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology) opened in 1919. Even before the founding of the school, he accompanied or led a number of archaeological expeditions in Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia. His knowledge of the history of South America is extensive.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slim and dapper, with neatly oiled hair and a well-groomed beard. He wears glasses, and is usually dressed in a suit when at the university.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Prof. Sánchez was one of the first academics hired by the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (National University of San Marcos) when the Museo de Arqueología y Antropología (Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology) opened in 1919. Even before the founding of the school, he accompanied or led a number of archaeological expeditions in Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia. His knowledge of the history of South America is extensive.   Despite the reputation of the Museum, Larkin has not contacted Sánchez or his colleagues to advise on or accompany his expedition. When he saw the press coverage, Sánchez tried to approach Larkin, only to be rebuffed. Sánchez has been gently persistent since then, sending Larkin a number of letters containing specific advice on the region and offers of help, but his correspondence has gone unanswered.   Last month, Jackson Elias made contact with Sánchez to ask him to help uncover any available information about the pyramid Larkin is seeking, as well as any possible connection to myths about the kharisiri. The two of them became fast friends at once and have worked together with one of Sánchez’ students, Trinidad Rizo, to search the university library and archives for relevant details.



Loves to talk, especially about archaeology, history, and anthropology. He will happily spend hours discussing these or any other topics. Nothing excites Prof. Sánchez more than the exchange of knowledge. He speaks with a measured cadence, each sentence carefully crafted to convey his ideas clearly and engagingly. His voice carries a confident yet inviting tone, inviting others to join him in the exploration of knowledge.

Professor of Archaeology at the [i]Museo de Arqueología y Antropología[/i] in Lima.

Current Location
Piercing dark brown eyes that reveal a keen intellect
Neatly oiled hair and a well-groomed beard.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm olive skin
150 lbs

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