Session 3: The Boxer Report

General Summary

Monday Evening April 2, 1923 - Wednesday Afternoon April 4, 1923   We are invited by Jackson Elias to come celebrate the release of his book, The Hungry Dead. We go to NY to celebrate and party with him for a week and then will make a trip down the east coast to New Orleans to a presentation he will be giving.   We are introduced to Jack Johnson, a heavyweight boxing champion, and Butler Jones, a manager for boxers. He ttells us about a recent incident where a young up-and-coming boxer (Lance Rawles) is bested by an older, not as capable opponent (Stefano Rossi), and later collapsed and died after the match. Nothing out of the ordinary seems to be the issue, so people are baffled as to how this happened. He asks if we might be able to look into it and see if there's anything unscrupulous going on that might bring about a more official investigation. They are especially concerned as Stefano is set to fight Jimmy Harris, a man whon works for Johnson at The Cotton Club this coming Friday, and Johnson wants to avoid seeing another death.   We go to the Lenox Athletic Club where the two fighters trained to see if we can turn up anything. Nothing of note seems to be afoot there. I bribe a waiter (Cary Tierney) to tell us about the Eliot brothers, he thinks that one is creepy (Nahum Eliot) and the other unctuous (Joab Eliot). They are small time crooks, betting every dollar on the fight their cousin makes which he always seems to win. They have the habit of splitting up at night, the older (Nahum) staying in and the younger (Joab) stays out all night (possibly getting professional girls from Bruno Greco, a former member of the Giovanni gang and kind of a pimp). We get the address for the brothers.   We visit Stefano's previous manager, Valentino Cherisi, and manage to confirm that Stefano was throwing fights in the past. Valentino has a strange dead look in his eyes when talking about the Eliot brothers.   We also stake out the Rossi's apartment, but see nothign out of the ordinary.   We decide to try and intercept Rossi on his way to the gym to see what he has to say on the subject. He says he's busy, but he invites us to dinner that evening (April 4th).
Masks of Nyarlathotep Campaign
Jack . Anderson
Botanist Jack Anderson ( 31 / Male ) from Brisbane
Leviticus Harrison Mann
Dilletante Leviticus Harrison Mann ( 24 / Male ) from Arkham, Masschusetts
Montgomery Papadopoulos
Smuggler Monte Papadopoulos ( 38 / Male ) from Thessaloniki, Greece
Christopher Ericson
Explorer Christopher Ericson ( 24 / M ) from London
Solomon Carlisle
Big Game Hunter Solomon Carlisle ( 64 / Male ) from Boma, Belgian Congo
Booker Williams
Clergy The Reverend Booker Williams ( 33 / Yes, please ) from Harlem, New York
Report Date
31 Aug 2023
Primary Location


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