Session 4: Something Fishy Report

General Summary

Wednesday Afternoon April 4, 1923 - Thursday Evening April 5, 1923   With multiple potential sources of information, we decide to split up to investigate the Elliot Brothers (Nahum Eliot & Joab Eliot) and Stefano Rossi. Booker and Monte go to dinner with Rossi and his family, meeting his wife Juanita Rossi and his three children Alberto (seven), Anthony (five), and Ava (three). His upbringing was fairly normal, and his early career was nothing out of the ordinary, and his lack of major success almost got him to retire before being approached by the Eliot brothers. He claims that he's unsure how switching managers caused him to do better, just that his approach to how he fights changed - specifically being more aggressive when his opponents are under pressure. As he says this, a fleeting, almost involuntary look of guilt passes over him. His wife. Juanita, doesn't seem to like the Eliots, but seems to keep her thoughts on them to herself. His daughter Ava, who has been drawing nearby, shows a picture of her family, which includes her "guardian angel," a weird black figure that she claims to see outside or at church. He seems remorseful at the results of the last fight, resulting in the death, though it's hard to say if the guilt is a result of what he did or just the fact that someone died. As they leave, Booker catches a glimpse of a shadowy figure watching them across the street.   Solomon follows Nahum Eliot back to his apartment. He peeks in, seeing Nahum reading and taking notes. The place smells and is full of books. The dinner participants try to follow the figure, but can't find it. They do, however, find a piece of cloth in a sewage drain with a large fish scale in it.   Christopher follows Joab, who enters a sleazy speakeasy - the Sugar Shack. It's a members only joint, but he's able to bribe his way in fairly easily. Joab notices him and calls him over, acting friendly. I buy drinks and he tries to get women, but is unsuccessful. We decide to head to The Market, where we can find a couple prostitutes. Greco, who looks way more skittish than his reputation would imply, is there running the place. Joab leaves with a girl, and Greco opens up about his dislike about the Joab. Apparently Joab wants to be a father, and has worked out an agreement to use some girls as surrogates. While pretty degenerate, he seems pretty honest about his intentions. He is unsuccessful so far in the 3 months he's been attempting.   The group reconvenes to share what we learned. We decide that the next course of action is to try and look into what Nahum was reading about. We try to get into his place under guise of buying a place, but are told that there aren't any openings and that we wouldn't fit in. Christopher leaves and tries to see into the room, but after not getting a good view, he breaks into the room. He finds a faded, worn tome called the Ponape (Micronesia area) Scripture, which he is using to to compare some stuff to a town called Innsmouth. Christopher takes the book with him and leaves, sharing what he learned. Solomon is able to expound slightly on the name Dagon mentioned within the tome. We deliberate and speculate on what to do, as time is rapidly diminishing. As evening falls, we are approached by the veiled dark figure who removes a manhole cover and beckons us to follow her inside.
Masks of Nyarlathotep Campaign
Jack . Anderson
Botanist Jack Anderson ( 31 / Male ) from Brisbane
Leviticus Harrison Mann
Dilletante Leviticus Harrison Mann ( 24 / Male ) from Arkham, Masschusetts
Montgomery Papadopoulos
Smuggler Monte Papadopoulos ( 38 / Male ) from Thessaloniki, Greece
Christopher Ericson
Explorer Christopher Ericson ( 24 / M ) from London
Solomon Carlisle
Big Game Hunter Solomon Carlisle ( 64 / Male ) from Boma, Belgian Congo
Booker Williams
Clergy The Reverend Booker Williams ( 33 / Yes, please ) from Harlem, New York
Report Date
14 Sep 2023
Primary Location


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