Trinidad Rizo Character in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Trinidad Rizo

Rizo has been helping Prof. Sánchez and Elias with their research into the possible destination of Larkin’s expedition.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A slightly built, energetic young woman with curly dark hair and an infectious smile.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rizo has been helping Prof. Sánchez and Elias with their research into the possible destination of Larkin’s expedition. She recently found Final Confessions of Gaspar Figueroa (Carlyle Papers Peru #3) in an old box of papers in the library and has set about producing a summary of its rambling narrative. This in turn led her to go looking for the section of gold inlay mentioned in the text, which she believes may also be in storage at the university.   Depending on the investigators’ actions, de Mendoza may kill Rizo before they ever get a chance to speak to her. If this happens, Prof. Sánchez has enough of her research to share with the investigators. Alternatively, her journal is full of notes about the Final Confessions and may be found on her body.



Speaks very quickly, making her difficult to understand (if not completely fluent in Spanish). Her speech is accompanied by equally fast and extravagant hand gestures.

Professor Nemesio Sánchez' enthusiastic young research assistant at the Museo de Arqueología y Antropología

Current Location
Bright wife dark brown eyes
Thick curly dark hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm olive skin
120 lbs

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