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History of the World

What has gone before

History of the World

  Pretty much every scholar and historian agrees that world history can be divided into two main eras. Pre-History and the so-called Historial Eras. Within those there are sub-eras, but Pre-History is anything beyond the start of even the most basic of records but is known to have occurred, such as the creation of the world by the original gods and so on.  


  Sometimes called "The Verbal History". The exact details of events from this period are sketchy or regarded as legends. Time frames are open to debate and the information is, whilst not 100% wrong, has been interrupted and re-evaluated many times over.   Pre-History timeline    

Historical Eras

  These eras are when so-called "recorded" history began. The time frames, especially towards the start have a good chance of being wrong, but some record exists in some form or another. Scrying spells and remote/temporal viewing can, in some circumstances verify some information, but the further back you go, the more power and is required to get an accurate result.   Historical Eras


10000 BB 0 BB

Events that occurred before the construction of the Great Barrier. Details of events from this period may be in error.

  • -52 PB

    Mage War Begins
    Military action

    Mage War Begins

  • -2 PB

    Grandeur Disapears

    The technological marvel of Grandeur disappears

After Barrier

0 BB and beyond

Details events that occurred after the Great Barrier was built

  • 3 AB

    Formation of the Bleed
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The area known as The Bleed starts to manifest.

    More reading
    The Bleed
  • 11 AB

    13 Splia

    Church of Universal Harmony Founded
    Religious event

    The CoUH is founded

  • 448 AB

    11 Deklan

    Goldleaf Bank Founded

    The Goldleaf Bank was legally established

  • 449 AB

    19 Aerna

    The Spell Cascade
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Spell Cascade that transformed the nation of Corlak

  • 450 AB

    13 Chaloe

    Conclave of the House-Nations
    Political event

    The 1st conclave of the house-nations

  • 1310 AB

    15 Belia

    Farbrough Penal Colony founded

    Farbrough Penal Colony founded

  • 1460 AB

    14 Chaloe

    Kaleous takes over the Brotherhood of Eternal Mercy
    Life, Milestone

    Kaleous takes over from her mother who died in childbirth

  • 1482 AB

    The Rifts Open
    Life, Supernatural

    Rifts start to open randomly across easthalen

  • 1482 AB

    14 Deklan

    Present Day

    The Current in game year


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