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Life is an eternal battle against death itself. We will lose, but this doesn't mean we will make it easy for our enemies! General Artmies Grindig, Battle of the Dead
  Krigerstan - A nation that sees itself as warriors. At least that is the commonly held belief. It is more like they see themselves fighting against everything, their enemies, death and anything, or anyone, else. Whatever they do, they see as a battle.   This surprises many people who have never been there and expected a nation of brutish thugs. In fact, they are quite the opposite and more like the warrior-poets and fighting-scholars of other worlds. They pride themselves on being the best they can possibly be, to "fight" against they old-selfs and to be something more. Yet at the same time they remind their citizens to know their limits and that there is no shame in asking for help, but much glory and honour in helping those who genuinely require assistance.   Located on the eastern side of the world, Krigerstan has a high amount of wastelands like areas, as it was one of the places that saw a lot of fighting and fall out in the 1st Mage War. Others would balk at their land


Organized in a way similar to a military organisation, with the major and minor houses being organised under the rulers in the same way in a chain of command

Public Agenda

They mostly keep to themselves, dealing with the high amounts of creatures and entities that live in the wastelands. They see themselves as protectors against the foul beings that this area seems to attract


High amounts of military grade troops and equipment, with very little naval support.


Krigerstan was formed sometime before the Great Barrier was constructed. Details of before that time period are sketchy but it is believed to be around 250 years before the barrier was created that Krigerstan official came into existence, although there were many tribes and clans that lived and claimed the area for centuries beforehand.

Fight for glory in in all things!

Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Warriors, Fighting-Scholars
Controlled Territories

Articles under Krigerstan


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