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Those who fight for glory and honour in everything they do.

Krigerstians, one of the names for those who inhabit Krigerstan, are considered to be a particular war-like group by outsiders.   Structured like many military organisations with a chain of command, they strive to be the best at whatever they do. The region they come from is one that compared to the rest of the world has a high number of beasts and supernatural creatures and this is reflected in their day to day life.   Those who visit or know someone from Krigerstan think they are cold and aloof, but its more their thoughts and emotions are for want of a better term, structured and organised, for the most part.   When fighting against them, this coldness and form of detachment can be very unnerving. When others scream their battle cries, they remain focused. When others panic, they keep a cool head. And when they do party, they party like the world is about to end the next day.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Family names reflect their original clans and roles when Krigerstan was offically founded. As such the names often have three parts - Given - Family - Clan with something like "Von", "Ven" or "Vin" going between the family name and clan name so names end up being something like Jane Smoth von Reginard.   Traditionally, "Von" is used by those in the Greater or ruling house, "Ven" in the Major and "Vin" in the minor or lesser houses


Shared customary codes and values

  • Treat strangers as neither friend nor foe until they have proven themselves
  • Help those who genuinely require your help
  • Be the best at whatever you are
  • There is no shame in asking for help when required, but do not abuse the trust of others

Common Etiquette rules

Small talk is not often engaged in. Keep the conversation to the point

Common Dress code

Practical: Function over form


Beauty Ideals

There is a joke around the world that Krigerstians do not care for beauty. This is untrue as they care more for natural beauty. This is not to say that they don't allow make-up and so-on, but when it comes to rating what they prefer, almost all prefer the natural look. Correcting issues is fine, being "a fake" is looked down on.

Gender Ideals

Krigerstan surprised many people by being very accepting of non-binary and other non-traditional gender roles. Their reasoning is that they demand you to be the very best you can, and if you are having issues with your body and gender and so on, well, you cant be your very best now can you?

Courtship Ideals

Courtship in Krigerstan is often short and to the point. If you like someones company, you are expected to make it known. If they refuse for whatever reason then to continue your pursuit of them or to get all clingy and "weird" is not only a waste of time but will get you in serious trouble. No-one is expected to make the first move but they are expected to respect others decisions. Failure to do so can result in loss of privileges.

Relationship Ideals

The ideal relationship is one in which both sides of the relationship thrive. Whilst polyamory is allowed, many have found that dividing attention between multiple people is too hard to maintain and as such it can be quite rare to see but as long as everyone is working or living optimally, then no-one cares.


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