Created from the shadows deep within the Ancient Heights, Celian arose as one of the oldest nevaelyth.
From her creation until her death, the Gandor shaped the world strongly, being the creator of the demon race and responsible for the gods' creation of angels. Though her reign over large parts of Ebbavion from 19996 to 19843 bC was the most prominent achievement in her life, she influence many other historical events afterwards.
In order to create much stronger warriors, the necromancer infused multiple dead elemental souls into one body, creating the very first demons.
After creating an army of demons Celian Maleficum conquered all of Eslira and northern Valon.
Xelene and Randia created in angels in order to withstand the demons and their Gandor leader
After the many years of failed attempts to free Ebbavion off the demonic suppression, Xelene and Randia convinced Gretris and Linos to intervene. They created prison in the Realm of Chaos where they banished all demons.