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Duke Bogdan ir'Yanus

Duke Bogdan ir'Yanus ruled Yanus Duchy (formerly Kunstler Duchy) from 992 until his death in 1005 YK. He was Duke Alexander ir'Yanus's and Pvt. Charlotte ir'Yanus's father.

The Yanus family was a highly respected military family in Kunstler Duchy, and the commanding officer of the Vulyar garrison had been a Yanus for several generations. As was expected of him, Bogdan enlisted at the age of 20, completed his mandatory service and enrolled in Rekkenmark Academy to become an officer, graduating with honors. He rose through the ranks quickly and became a captain by age 32, getting married and having twins along the way. He was given command of the Vulyar troops when his father retired from the position and led them in several battles in Cyre and the Talenta Plains during the Last War, earning a stellar reputation as a leader of men.

When King Kaius III came of age and assumed the throne of Karrnath, he began centralizing the Karrnathi military and taking powers away from dukes. Duke Kunstler was incensed by this and ordered his troops to march on Korth in an attempted coup d'état. As a staunch royalist, Major Yanus refused to obey the duke and ordered his men to stay in Vulyar. The duke responded by relieving him from duty and imprisoning him before marching the troops to the capital himself.

Duke Kunstler's attack on Korth failed and the King had him executed for high treason. When the royal troops came to take possession of Vulyar, the story of Major Yanus' resistance reached the King's ear, and he was appointed as the new duke. Duke Yanus ruled his duchy with a firm yet fair hand through the end of the war, remaining one of King Kaius' fiercest allies.

He was well-loved by the people of Yanus Duchy; although he had always led a privileged life, his rise from commoner to nobility was viewed by many as a sign that anyone can achieve greatness, and he showed genuine empathy and interest towards his citizens' problems; he worked with them to find solutions rather than ordering them around, although his application of the King's law remained rigid.

He suddenly collapsed in his office on Vult 26th, 1004 YK and passed away three days later on New Year's Day 1005. An autopsy revealed he had suffered a massive heart attack. After the reading of his will, the duke's son Alexander inherited the duchy, the the chagrin of his daughter Charlotte, who had expressed much more enthusiasm and interest for the position and its responsibilities than her twin brother. The late duke's collaborators attributed his choice of heir to his conservative, traditionalist mindset favoring a male heir.


Duke Bogdan ir'Yanus


Towards Duchess Margarita ir'Yanus


Duchess Margarita ir'Yanus


Towards Duke Bogdan ir'Yanus


Current Status
Date of Birth
Dravago 18th, 954 YK
Date of Death
Zarantyr 1st, 1005 YK
954 YK 1005 YK 51 years old
Circumstances of Death
Heart disease
Place of Death


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