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Dragon Turtle Principality

Taking its name from the large beasts that made the local island of Speartip their home, and also from the ships they are now famous for, the Dragon Turtle Principality is a well known defensive force among the principalities and a tough nut to crack for any who would try.


  While the island of Speartip was inhabited since Lhazaar and her fleet first made landfall, the principality is nowhere near as old. While the practice of piracy is almost as old as human life in Khorvaire, Speartip was for a long time considered off limits. Speartip was considered neutral ground upon which crews could come and parley, and this protected the island for over a thousand years, until an upstart claiming the title of High Prince, known to history as Adama Ortavian The Bloody Prince, came to the island and sacked it. The island was left in ruins, and many were dead, and it instilled a distrust in the natives of Speartip for those abroad that lasts until today. The island recovered, and proved a key part of deposing the upstart prince, as well as laying the groundwork for what would become the Dragon Turtle Principality. The island would go on, in a shape that most would call a principality, it was the final design of the Dragon Turtle ships that would be the key in the creation of an independent and powerful Principality.


  The most common selection, and circumstance, of a new Prince of the Dragon Turtle's is when the prince elected via an election when the previous leader had died. While this practice is largely considered only a custom of appointing the individual chosen by the previous Prince it is possible for others to challenge this ascension. In for someone to win the seat of the prince a majority of the population of the island of Speartip must vote for the individual in question. Once elected the new Prince has final say over all matters regarding the Principality, with their word being considered law. This is much power to place in the hands of one person, but the Prince is known to stay out of daily life, with their theoretical power only really applying to confusing matters of law, or as effectively emergency powers. If the chosen Prince does not follow this custom, the captains of the Dragon Turtle's will-and have-seize the Prince and effectively force them to abdicate the position and the process will begin again, without the former prince. This rule of one could become despotic, but the tightly held and ingrained beliefs of the people of the Dragon Turtle Principality has thus far stopped any individual from succeeding in their attempts.

Dragon Turtle Ships

  These are the truly remarkable characteristic of the principality, and the pride and joy of the fleet of the First Men. The record of their creation is muddled and full of holes, after all the idea of "put spikes on armored warships" is perhaps revolutionary but not something to be recorded in a lab more something mentioned around drinks and a fire in the company of the Prince. What is known is that the inspiration for the current design of the ships, largely considered final by the people of the island in another instance of "isn't broken, don't fix," came from the namesake of the principality themselves. Reportedly coming from a young boy who loved to observe the creature, who had one day observed a host of hunters descend upon them. He recounted how their shells and armored bodies easily swept aside the weapons of the hunters, while the turtles were able to-even with their little mobility-quickly dispatch of the nuisances thanks to their powerful bodies and strong natural weapons. This form of warfare would be what defined the Dragon Turtle's and their famous vessels. The First Men would eschew mobility for unmatched endurance and overwhelming firepower. There would be no need for speed in their minds, if the enemy engaged them they would be destroyed by the superiority of arms and armor, and if the enemy backed down they would win by a slow and steady advance-possibly without firing a shot. Victory in either case. There is also the case of the Dragon Turtle's themselves, who are not aggressive people and prefer to be left alone. In this sort of conflict the unmatched defensive strength of the turtle ships is undoubtedly a benefit. 

Recent History    

  The story of the Dragon Turtle Principality has entered an uncertain point, the future unknown as they face down a new enemy. The principality was drawn into The Last War, serving mainly as Brelish centers of influence upon the sea, yet the tide only truly began to shift with the rise of High Prince Ryger. Ryger's charm offensive on the Principalities was perhaps less effective on Speartip than it was on other islands of the archipelago, but it was able to succeed in something-he convinced the Prince and Fortress Lord of the Dragon Turtle Principality that he was not as bad as the other princes. Not much, but enough that the Dragon Turtle's agreed he would represent the combined principalities at the Treaty of Thronehold, and launch himself into the public imagination of Khorvaire. Several years later, in the wake of the Seadragon Principality swallowing up several nearby principalities, the two principalities stand on the brink of war gazing each other down. The Dragon Turtle's have begun to stand among the coalition against Ryger as a powerful and core member, but one that does not fully trust those who it is theoretically aligned with. The future is uncertain for even The First Men, but they intend to stand a fight against any who would try to strike at them, and they intend to leave a grievous wound no matter victory or defeat.


The Prince is the be all, and end all, of law and order in the principality. While the robust customs and unsaid laws of the island of Speartip are what effectively oversee the island, in writing the organization of the island begins and ends with the Prince themselves. While lesser roles in the principality could be infused with some power via experience or social belief in them, there is nothing backing up their words.


The culture of the Dragon Turtle's is profoundly set in their ways, and do not wish to change. Most would call them stubborn, and some might even describe them as close-minded. They would view their view as analogous to: "if it isn't broken, do not fix it," and they do not see anything broken. They are also incredibly independent, and do not believe the unification of the Principalities is good for them or possible at all in the long run.
An important aspect for the denizens of the island is their belief and view of themselves as The First Men, what the people of the island tend to call themselves. They claim descent from and inheritance of those who first arrived on Khorvaire many years ago, that they are the longest lived bloodline upon the continent.

Public Agenda

To resist the Seadragon Principality and their attempts to unite the Lhazaar Principalities, remain separate and independent from the other principalities.


-Irian Manifest Zone-Has what is essentially the "Light of Life" Property, which allows for faster plant growth, and the appearance/development of Irian touched materials such as plane touched wood or herbs. House Jorasco desires access to this manifest zone.
-The Fortress-The flagship of the Dragon Turtle's fleet and captained by the Fortress Lord themselves, this giant dragon turtle ship is the epitome of firepower in the Lhazaareen region and is considered unsinkable. Lacks incredibly in speed.
-Deep Water Harbor
-Access to Trade Routes
-Dragon Turtle Ships-a heavy ship design that makes heavily armed and armored boats, the key to the Dragon Turtle's naval strength

Demography and Population

The largest concentration of people on the island is within the capital, Landfall, although this would simply be a larger village on Mainland Khorvaire. Besides this the population is scattered along the land of Speartip itself in small groups and collective farms, diffused widely throughout the island in no great concentrations. Some notable spots of greater concentration are the towns of Spearfall, Turtle Rest, and Bloody Bend. The


The island of Speartip


Religion on the early island was purely Sovereign Host, however the rough conditions of life on the island caused a quick embrace of the Blood of Vol, a religion that sprouted up soon after the humans mixed with Elvish exiles from the island of Farlnen (the predecessors to the modern day Bloodsails). The Blood of Vol has since been a popular religion on the island, and there are large communities of seekers within the smaller villages and the farming/foresting communities of the island. Landfall has a moderately sized church in the city, built upon the ruins of what the islanders claim is the first church to the Sovereign's ever made on Khorvaire. Those who follow the Silver Flame are rare on the island, but prying will find one or two members of the congregation among the crews of the Principalities fighting men.

"Upon Our Rock You Will Break"

Founding Date
-100 YK
Geopolitical, Principality
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Dragon Turtle's, Turtle's, The First Men
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Uses the coinage of the Five Nations
Legislative Body
effectively the Prince, the true laws of the island are a well known set of customs that are not written down anywhere. It is effectively impossible to add new customs.
Judicial Body
The society will often deal with it, with the members of ship crews being drafted to either find or punish criminals, but in especially tricky or noteworthy cases the Prince is needed to make a judgement.
Executive Body
The Prince, with help from the body of sailors from the crews.
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


The Dragon Turtle's are not friendly, but they realize the Wind Whisperers are going to be important in the conflicts against the Seadragon's in the future

Un-official war

These two entities exist quite close to each other, and the expansionist leaning of the Seadragons has already clashed against the Dragon Turtle's beaches. While not officially at war, sorties between the two occur often

Articles under Dragon Turtle Principality


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