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Lhazaar's Landfall

If the stories are to be believed then it is here that humanity first appeared upon Khorvaire. Lhazaar the Navigator is said to have landed upon the island, thus bringing the first population of humans from Sarlona. The locals of the island, the members of the Dragon Turtle Principality, are proud of their place in the history of this land, and often claim that great people from history can trace their lineage to those who still live on the island. This claim is hard to prove at best, and unlikely given the relatively small population of the island, as despite being the first settlement it would not be the only one for long.


The island is largely lowland forest, and features a Deepwater harbor around the capital


The interior of the island is small but sits upon an Irian manifest zone that causes the woods and wildlife to naturally repopulate faster and create new and unique flora and fauna.

Fauna & Flora

Araam's Crown and Dawn's Glory, two types of flower linked to the plane of Irian, grow in the area on a semi regular basis due to the influence of the manifest zone.   The most notable fauna is the plane touched animals that result, often making larger than normal deer for example, but for pure size there is the Dragon Turtle nest on the island. Still home to two of these majestic creatures, they are honored by the populace of the island and they are fiercely protected by the island denizens. Hunters and House Vadalis sometimes try to sneak into the area, but thus far no success has been had.

Natural Resources

Wood from the forests, often livewood or wood influenced by the Irian manifest zone in particular, a deepwater harbor that allows for large ships to make the port, medicinal herbs tied to the Irian manifest zone


The first destination of humanity on Khorvaire, or at least it claims to be, the island has been a small, independent, but reasonably influential principality since the days of the founding of Galifer. the design of their renowned Dragon Turtle ships was perfected by 200 YK and has been changed little since, the ships were a key in their role as defensive masters of naval warfare.


Lhazaar the navigator is a great hero across the region that now bears her name, but in Speartip the ancient navigator is especially revered. the largest town on the island, Spearfall, has a large statue in the center of town dedicated to her, and the name is common among the denizens of the island. This manifests in the attitude of the locals as well, even among the principalities the Speartip locals are well known for their most independent, and most would say stubborn, ways which they say models the outlook of their well known hero.
Alternative Name(s)
Turtle Island, Home of Humanity, Lhazaar's Fall
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