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Ra Stormborn

The Stormlord

Prince Rachel Stormborn

The Daughter of Storms. The Lightning Thief. The Electric Viper. These are only some of the monikers that the warrior princess has earned in her life, across her battles. And there will be many more before the end of her reign. Moving and striking with the force and speed of lightning, the sound of her swords the thunder of the battlefield. Flee before the storm she brings, or else it will break upon you.
The girl who would become the Storm-lord had a humble, even ignominious, start to life. Her mother was a small time fling for some heir to House Lyrander she would never know (nor does she desire to know now). Left alone with a bastard child, even one lucky enough to manifest the Mark of Storms, she had little to give the child. Thus the girl who would become Ra, named Rachel Stormborn at birth, grew up in Breland with her and her mother being supported by a small association of half-elves in her village of Freeholder's Reach. Early on she showed a natural ability with her Dragonmark, and the mark grew larger and larger with each year. Before long the mark had grown, and with it her power. Spells and control that should only be available to someone who had prolonged study and training, not a child barely beyond 10 years. She had, at this point, drawn the attention of her erstwhile cousins in House Lyrander.
Despite the offers of riches and lavish lifestyles, Rachel's mother could not forgive the harshness with which she had been tossed aside by her lover when she was no longer convenient. Yet the Dragonmarked houses had influence, and her child had to be sent away for her own safety before the House would steal her. The community dedicated themselves to sending away their beloved daughter, for her own safety. In the days of the war leaving your own settlement was something not easily undertaken, so their best solution was to give her to a traveling mercenary company. Her mother told her she was no longer Rachel, she would now go by the simpler-and now infamous-Ra, and she would have to leave for her own good. Her mother kissed her goodbye, the warmth of that last embrace would stay with her.
While this mercenary company was trusted not to venture where the war was the fiercest, their charge would never survive, they nonetheless needed to work. The Lhazaareen islands, home to much unofficial and side tracked warfare between the five nations, would be their travel destination. It is here that Rachel-now Ra-learned her trade. As much as she had been with her innate abilities-her martial abilities were exceptional as well. She learned from the company commander the basics of leadership, and would even replace him after a few years passed. She was a consummate warrior and student, ever excelling on the battlefield. It is also here that she met her greatest friends-Sai d'Lyrander, another Lyrander excoriate; and Morgan Resshinmark, a hidden Storm Mark half elf.
Above all else, Ra is remembered for her part in the sinking of the armada of Gregor Westerhold-the great sinking of the Karrnathi Armada. Here, for the first time, she manifested the power of the Siberys Dragonmark she had been gifted with, and during the naval battle summoned a mighty storm which lay waste to a vast number of the assembled vessels. The aftermath of this battle-one of the last great naval engagements of The Last War-would bring her to the attention of the Wind Whisperer principality. Its leader, a man named Kris, said she was the true one who should inherit the position and their grudge against the house of her birth. While hesitant at first, upon meeting people from the islands she was struck by their belief in her and felt a longing to live up to that engagement. She would continue on as a mercenary for the waning decade of The Last War, even once traveling back to the village she had grown up in-only to find it levelled by the horrors of war on the main land continent. Bringing her close friends with her to the Wind Whisperers, Ra looks to make herself a home and to be a leader that her people can be proud of.
Ra now faces the problems of ruling while trying to find her own desires, all the while dealing with forces trying to rip her apart. House Lyrander seeks to bring her into their fold, not willing to let a powerful Siberys Mark be beyond their grasp as their own plans move forward. Ryger's attempts to expand his nascent empire gnaw at her heels, and she wonders what the right move for her people is. All the while, her own desires are pushed further away, and she feels alone.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Female- she/her/hers




Morgan Waverider

Adopted Sister (Vital)

Towards Ra Stormborn



Ra Stormborn

Adopted Sister (Important)

Towards Morgan Waverider



Feared Warrior
Ra is probably the greatest combatant in the Lhazaareen Principalities, she is dreadfully fast and knows how to channel the magic of her mark in combat. To fight her one on one is either suicide, or a dreadfully risky gambit, especially since her recent focus on politics has left her with few ways to vent her frustration. Be careful attempting to fight this one.
Untested Leader
For all of her experience with leading in the war, she is not an experienced political leader. Indeed, it has been noted that her confidant Sai is the one to mainly handle political issues. Yet Ra is the Prince, and thus she is the one to make ultimate decisions, and Sai cannot control her. While this makes her refreshingly honest and straightforward, such features are not always beneficial in politics, especially as events with Ryger come to a head.
Current Location
Morgan Waverider (Adopted Sister)
Dark Blue, like the storm
short, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark/Brown skinned
Known Languages
Important Friends
Ra's closest friends-her vizier Sai and her admiral Morgan-are consistently by her side and have followed her for years now. While there are noted sore spots between them-Morgana and Ra tend to fall in love with the same woman-these are three close compatriots who have been through war together. Beware what might cause them to split apart.
Hopeless Romantic?
Ra has a noted...weakness, for beautiful women. She is often helpless before a pretty face she has just met, and becomes like putty in their hands. She is working to control this sort of behavior, but it is still a noted weakness for such a legendary warrior. 


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