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Morgan Waverider

Admiral Morgan Waverider (a.k.a. The Runner)

In Lhazaar you need a good captain to get anywhere, and Morgan is the best. Well...she says she is. When she isn't drunk. Which can be often.
Admittedly, no one could say she isn't a gifted mariner and she has shown just that several times. She was able to keep her flag ship afloat during a battle around a large maelstrom, negotiate her ship safely through the Death Finger's Channel, as well as outflank and rout several Cloudreaver ships trying to collect on her tab. Yet, some wonder whether her wild card tendencies are worth the benefits she brings. Luckily she has found a friend in the Prince of the Wind Whisperers, Ra, who believes in her. Well...when they aren't jealous over a lost love anyway.
Ra has almost always been on a ship. Born on one mid journey, her father a Lyrander heir and her mother the first mate of the ship she was born on. She would never know her father, he had thrown her and her mother aside the second he was back on dry land, but she would always look up to her mother. She has-at different points in her life-worked as every position aboard a ship. Her mother would become-through some shrewd negotiation with the crew-the new captain of their ship and her daughter would quickly ascend the ranks to her own first mate. As the first mate of the crew of a pirate vessel, Morgan had a first hand lesson in hit-and-run fighting on the high seas, tactics she would routinely return to. She developed well under her mother, but eventually she had to leave to find her own path.
She decided to leave her mother and find another crew to join. She quickly found one willing to bring on another hand, but the captain soon found he was not prepared for the firebrand he had brought on. She was quite popular with the crew, far more popular than the captain was, and she parlayed that into quickly becoming the new captain; as soon as he was dropped off at the nearest island. Thus-at the age of 20-Morgan became a captain for the first time. She spent several years making a small name for herself due to her abilities at the head of a ship, and her legendary degrees of thirst (yes, both). Yet she was bored with it after awhile, and sought out a new challenge. Luckily, that new challenge would run right into her. She first met Ra when she was hired to their mercenary company for a mission, after spending time with her and becoming fast friends, she decided to stay with the company for the rest of The Last War. Playing a key part in naval battles, she certainly earned her keep, and at the end of the war she joined Ra and became the admiral of the Wind Whisperers, arguably the most important position next to prince in any principality.
She been there with Ra, nursing her own ambitions and desires while trying to support her friend, for the last two years. However, rumor has it she's recently been seen on the island of Speartip, minus a ship and crew, nursing a bottle the whole day. While her little "trips" aren't uncommon, something seems different about this one, and Ra doesn't seem to be following up on her old friend.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Educated by her mother and the rest of the crew she grew up with. This makes her good at talking, not very good at reading, but very good at math and astronomy by necessity.


Has worked on a boat her entire life, and has done every job on a boat. Although she certainly is no longer willing to do any of those other jobs, unless she absolutely has to.

Accomplishments & Achievements

One of the most well regarded young captains in Lhazaar. Gone through the Death Finger Channel unscathed.

Failures & Embarrassments

To be filled in. There are a few.


Morgan Waverider

Adopted Sister (Vital)

Towards Ra Stormborn



Ra Stormborn

Adopted Sister (Important)

Towards Morgan Waverider



Known Weakness?
While Ra and Morgan are well known to be good friends, its well noted they can easily be at each others throats for a simple reason: love. The two, perhaps because of being such good friends, have a remarkably similar taste in women. This can lead to some disagreements between the two, should either come to think that their jealousy is simply no longer worth their friendship.
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Born to a single mother who worked aboard a ship, was born during a journey.
Ra Stormborn (Adopted Sister)
She, her
Dark Blue
Long, Red, Shiny
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skin
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Aquan, Giant
A Great Desire
Morgan is ambitious that if she can break through the storm surrounding the isle of Trebaz Sinara she will be regarded as perhaps the greatest mariner ever. However, this endeavor isn't going well. She lacks the ship needed to make the journey-a Lyrander elemental galleon is what she thinks she needs-and Lyrander isn't willing to part with those without either a steep price or major strings attached. How will she go about the fulfillment of her great goal?
Ready for War?
While she is undoubtedly a great captain, who has done well in smaller battles, some people wonder whether Morgan is ready to command an armada. The coming war with Ryger, if it is not averted, promises to include such great clashes of ships. Morgan, if she remains as admiral, will thus command the forces of the Wind Whisperers, and perhaps even the other principalities that join them. Is she ready for such a great burden?


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