Kai'okoa Character in Eberron (archived) | World Anvil
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Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale blue

Picking Up Payment
16th of Olorun 998

We left the Peckish Pixie and quickly ran into a problem - sheep everywhere. I tried to scare them off but they came running straight at us.. stupid animals. Dhok enlarged the cart so they could run under us and eventually we made it through. Later that night a young man comes up to our camp asking about sheep and how he had fallen asleep. Guess that solves that mystery.   Once we were closer to Varna we encountered a Firbolg Druid who started talking to our donkies. She had some stuff to trade but nothing I was interested in. Arriving late at night we went straight to bed at The Emerald Wyrm.   The next morning we went to collect our payment from House Vidalis, he started explaining why they experiment on creatures but I had no interest in listening to his reasoning. After collecting Aethelwulf's and my share of the reward I went and did a bit of shopping. I had previously asked the group if they would pitch in for a spell for Aethelwulf but I find myself feeling like I am in his debt. Him helping me with my issue and I have nothing to give back in return. Mother said when doing a transaction, bringing gifts to the mix was a good way to earn favour and repay people, so that is what I did. I bought him a beautiful scroll case I found, bought a scroll to go in it, and the ink for him to transcribe it.   Thankfully he hasn't mentioned it so it must have been a good choice.   Tomorrow we set off for Cree and I am excited to see what treasures this city holds.

The Omega Facility
10th - 12th of Olorun 998

Well.. we are all still alive. We conquered the Omega Facility and got our contracted items but they didn't come easily. Initially when we arrived we started towards the building and were ambushed by some giant ants that were as hard as metal. We managed to work together to get everyone inside the perimiter but we couldn't agree as a group what to do next or how to approach, because of this we were ambushed once again by some clawfoots. They very quickly knocked out Zora'kas and Aethelwulf but we scared them off after killing some. After some scouting and finding a way inside we started investigating and found a Tiefling ghost after locating their body and an amulet they had. They requested that we find the other pieces so they and their friends could rest.   Venturing upstairs we found some miniture wyverns and their nests, they weren't so hard to take out although some did escape. The bigger problem was the displacer beast picking off our enemies and waiting for its time to strike. With a lot of time left in the day we went down a couple floors and found stumbled upon a generator to which Zora'kas provided a crystal he found to power it. Upon activating it more ants were awakened by it's constant hum and came to attack. It was an exhausting fight but we were victorious. After that we decided to try and take it easy for the rest of the day and seal ourselves into one of the quarters. It was small and we had to squish in there together but we made it work, until we heard the beast tearing open doors and making its way to our room; following our scent.   We decided it best to vacate the room so we'd have more space to fight which I think was a good decision. It wasn't so scary once it couldn't go invisible all the time and we managed to kill it. After this we were spent and I wish I could say it was easy sailing from there but most of us wanted to rest, we were wounded, exhausted, and in unfamiliar territory. Dhok had other ideas and wanted to keep investigating, Zora'kas disputed his idea and tensions rose. I wanted to stay behind and rest but I didn't want to be split from the group, so I went with. Once we got to the roof Dhok revealed that Aethelwulf had been wrong about his initial scouting, something he didn't want to share with the group which made Esi and Zora'kas very annoyed. They had a go at him for withholding information and not trusting us.. it makes me think of my own situation and I feel like after what I admitted about stealing that if I was to reveal more, I might not be welcome anymore.   I know I haven't known them for very long but I've never had friends before.. if they even are my friends. I admire Esi, the way she wants to find out more about the spirit inside her. Aethelwulf seems to want to help but I do not know if I should put trust in him.   We eventually went to sleep in the facility, although it was a very tense and restless night for me. The next day we destroyed the entire building after discovering how they left their test subects to either break out or die in their cages, I think it really upset the party and made us realise what they were doing to these creatures. We then made the journey back to the Peckish Pixie and immediately went to bed.   I hope as a group we can learn to work together more.

Snuffing out flames
9th - 10 of Olorun 998

We stayed at the Peckish Pixie and early the next morning we ventured out with the wagon towards the research facility. We travelled for most of the day before coming up to a crossroads not long before we heard marching.   Turns out it was the group of zealous Silver Flame. I hold no remorse for these people, I have seen how they destroy shifters without hesitation and shatter their communities. It isn't their fault they were born a shifter and yet they are punished and hunted for it. I prepared for battle even though some of the group would have preferred to talk. We fought and wiped the floor with them, leaving none alive. Zora'kas wasn't happy at Aethelwulf or myself for how the situation was handled but I can't sit by and ignore what they do to people who have no control over what they are. Zora'kas ended up walking away from us until we stopped to make camp for that night.   The next day we arrived at the facility and now we face an interesting adventure.

Crabs and Pixies
4th - 8th of Olorun 998

Before leaving Varna, we decided to invest in a wagon and a couple donkey's to ease our travels. We bought the livestock and wagon from the House Vadalis stables. They also had this massive crab which had a tent built into it's shell and there is a way to control what it does. House Vadalis member Mattias offered us a discount on the crab which would bring it down to 2500gp if we were to investigate and retireve items from a long abandoned House Vadalis laboratory West of the Peckish Pixie.   Dhok is super excited about the prospect of owning the crab as it has built in mechanics that stabilize the- ah what do I care, I just think it's cool and no one would fuck with us on the road. The others seem sceptical even after showing them how much money I can make.. perhaps Dhok and I could go halves.   Eventually we left Varna towards the Peckish Pixie and on our way met a Gnoll who was looking for the Gargoyle we saw a couple weeks back. The group ended up giving the details of his whereabouts with no help from me.   Lastly we arrived at the Peckish Pixie and went inside for lunch, ate some nice pie while Aethelwulf asked a lot of personal questions to everyone. Realised that Esi and I have more in common than we realised but yet are completely different. I find myself hoping she finds what she is looking for after she revealed it is not a malevolent spirit inside her.

Crime and Secrets
17th of Zarantyr - 4th of Olorun 998

With phase one of the سرابریشم completed I took the weekend with Aethelwulf to inspect and discuss some things I need answers for. He showed me what he has been working on and I must admit I am a little impressed at how much effort and cost he is going through to be able to help and protect the group unless he has another goal in mind which is more likely and would make much more sense.   The results to the questions asked are concerning to say the least. I am not sure or confident in what to do with the answers, if anything can be done at all.   The ابریشم was successful! Made a good amount of gold, a fair amount of it went towards Aethelwulf's endeavours, even if he is creating these abilities for another reason, they will at least serve us for now.     We received a paperbird summons to the Varna Town Hall to meet with the govenor. Apparently we were supposed to dress nicely but they didn't warn us in advance. Donamira Nightfeather is the govenor and seemed willing to help organise the council once we have gotten as many influential figures on our side. She revealed some information about the three major players in Cree; The Cattaneo Fanily, The Ferrara Family, and The Valentino Family. Cattaneo hold a monopoly on the production of textiles in the city and are famed for their luxury clothing. The Ferrara Family dominate the leatherworking and metallurgy business within the city. The Valentino Family occupy most positions within the docks and run the Valentino Bank of Cree. Turns out I have stolen from one of them and made Aethelwulf into an accomplice.. I will have to tell him.     Aethelwulf took it pretty well, he didn't get angry at least. He helped me buy some more discreet clothing and burned my robe while Esi had followed us and was watching. The group confronted us about what I had done and they were not happy which I completely understand but I don't know how to explain why I do it in a way that will make sense to them. I felt like everyone was closing in on me, watching me so intently and I freaked out and left.. I need to stop running away from problems and start dealing with them. So I tried to explain but they still know something isn't right. It's hard to admit something is wrong inside to yourself but even more so to other people.   But then we got high. And smiled for the first time in a long time, maybe I can trust these people.

I enjoy being drunk.
13th - 17th of Zarantyr 998

What a fucking day. We didn't run into any trouble on the way back to Havenglen thank god. Went straight to a tavern and did another drinking contest without my special tankard this time. Beat Zora'kas again but tied with Dhok and got absolutely hammered. It was so worth it to dull the noise.   Went for a short walk with Esi to the top of a hill and had a short chat. Very calming to sit in the moonlight and relax. The hangover the next day, not so much. During breakfast 5 armoured men with silver flames and silver weapons barged into the tavern but I think Aethelwulf made them leave the same way he suggested I follow him away from the field of nightshade. Definitely like that spell more when he uses it on others. I think that group of silver flame will probably come looking for us.   Handed the poultices to Keryn and got some meagre change, better than nothing I suppose. After a slight disagreement on when and what to do next we made our way back to Varna and had a short meeting with Beryan who has spoken to the governor. We will have a meeting with them in two weeks.   In the mean time.. I believe there is money to be made..

The Field of Night
13th of Zarantyr 998

The kids that we terroized went home and told their parents. They tried to confront us but I told them the truth and maybe downplayed what we did a wee bit.. Not long after a woman tried to reward us for saving the sheep from the manticores. Told her to go buy some new ones, I don't need to take money from people who value sheep so much.   We started trekking through a forest to reach the old woman's house as Keryn asked us too. Lots of crows following us and watching, extremely unnerving.   The forest cleared enough for us to find the field of nightshade and immediately I felt another entity grab onto my mind and I couldn't control my body. I felt a 4th person in my mind fighting for control and the voice cleared and became Aethelwulf's and suddenly I was following him. Dhok had also been affected and had wandered in further than I. As we were trying to rescue him some dark fey creatures emerged and attacked us. I tried to help but the field called to me and pushed my body out of my control again. Aethelwulf dragged me out, maybe I should be nicer to him.. as much as we antagonize each other, he is always willing to help any of us.   I've never felt so scared.. the feeling of not being able to control myself reminds me of when I was little.   We made it to the old woman's cottage and she introduced herself as Caderyn. She told us some stories about travelling with a druid while drinking tea with us. After helping her around her shack Esi had a conversation with her while we waited outside.

Errand Running
11th - 12th of Zarantyr 998

Keryn is the village elder and has said he was looking for us, curious.   Zora'kas told the elder that we were looking for a noble's son and he told us he travelled with a guard in heavy armour. Keryn said he left northward some time ago.. I sensed hesitation and he seemed nervous as he said this, he is not to be trusted.   He mentioned that the Pekish Pixie needs supplies and that a man named Gunther has lost a family heirloom sword in a hole, his house is north east in the village and adorned with an animal trophy. There is also an old woman who lives alone and is an excellent apothacary but needs to be checked on. She lives east past a field of nightshade.   We agreed to take supplies to the Pekish Pixie first and headed back over to the tavern to pick them up from Neil, the owner. Before leaving town we descovered some children had stolen our makeshift sled. We let them have it but the little rats followed us and was shooting little rocks at us so Kora'kas, Esi, and I scared the living shit out of them.   We delivered the food and met a Gargoyle named Abraxus who seemed alright. We made our way back and then went and saw Gunther who led us to where he lost his sword. We ventured into the caved-in tunnel and Dhok found evidence of battle from thousands of years ago between Dhakaan and Daelkyr.

Noble's Box
10th - 11th of Zarantyr 998

We scoured through the Manticore's cave and found a platinum ring from house Gavren and some chainmail with the Aundair eagle on it. Seems like this will all point to Seamus being killed by the Manticores. I found some red tear drop gems but I will need to get them appraised.   Zora'kas cut a Manticore head off and then we set off back to Havenglen. Gallus rewarded us with some Beads of Nourishment and some ointment. Better than nothing, I guess.   Gallus told us about Salali a warden who comes through for trading and work. She's a tall cheerful Firbolg and we should talk if we see her, great, more cheerful people.   We walked into town and found The Broken Plough tavern and made our stay there for the night. I versed Dhok in a game of mancala and he won back his gold piece.   Zora'kas discussed with us that he observed some shadyness in town when asking around for Seamus and suggested we should try to gain favour with the village elder.

The Former Manticore Family
8th - 9th of Zarantyr 998

The captain of the militia that are also farmers is called Gallus. Dhok healed the injured farmer Walter and after, they requested us to hunt the Manticore to it's lair.   We made progress for the few hours we had left and came upon a cave between some hills. A large Troll emerged and attacked us immediately but we made short work of it. We rested for the night and were interrupted by some large hornets and it turns out Zora'kas and I both know how to Shatter enemies.   The next morning we traced back to where we lost the manticore's tracks and found the right path to it's lair. Upon finding it it was about to attack Aethelwulf's friend. Battle ensued and ended with Zora'kas shattering the parent and their 3 cubs. Such a shame really, that their parents prayed on creatures smarter than them which led to their demise.

Storms & Manticores
3rd - 8th of Zarantyr 998

Learnt a bit about Houses from Aethelwulf. I don't think they are trustworthy. Stayed at The Salty Seadog for the night while some recovered from hangovers.   Left town and headed for Havenglen along the road. Started teaching Aethelwulf Primordial and he seems to be picking it up really well. It started to storm a few hours in and we had to make camp for the rest of the day and night.   Continued travelling and teaching for a couple days. Stopped at the Peckish Pixie tavern outside of Havenglen, the owners were very nice and the food was good. As we were leaving we approached some farms and saw a Manticore swooping down towards some sheep. We engaged in battle but it managed to flee to the west.

The drinking champion!
2nd of Zarantyr 998

Set sail to Varna and gambled a bit on the way. Learned that House Vadalis is set up in Varna.   Received word of updated quest requirements; gain favor with the local factions to make them open to a negoation with House Orion.   Met Beryan Callax as she shouted over a crowd of angry people. Turns out she's the Mayor. Agreed to help the Mayor to locate a missing person who happens to be the son of a Duke. Described as chiseled with blonde hair. Goes by the name of Seamus ir'Gavren and was last seen near Havenglen.   Got into a drinking contest with Zora'kas and Dhok. Clearly I won and took Aethelwulf's gold.   Vola'aashta d'Tharashk that knows Aethelwulf is investigating the cult of a Dragonblow. Asked us to keep an eye and ear out.

Letter from a bird
1st of Zarantyr 998

Meet Lord Boromar ir'Dayne at the Wayfinder Chateau in the Upper Terrace ontop a hill in the East side of Passage. Boromar founded the Wayfinders and extended an invitation to join the guild. Asked to travel to The Mosswood to ask around to establish a lightning rail while keeping an eye out for an ancient armoury.   Gallifreet ship owned by Arxes has the imagery of a fire Ifreet as the figurehead on the vessel. Arxes is a lean red Tiefling with slicked back black hair and two curled horns.   Stayed at The Redder Lion before setting sail.   Avoid Aethelwulf.

Adventure in the forest

Zelkova & Kai'okoa - 6 -8 days

Adventure in the city

Esidesi & Kai'okoa - 2 days

Adventure through the jungle

Zora'kas & Kai'okoa - 10 days

Adventure on a boat

Dhok & Kai'okoa - 10 days adventure.


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