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The History of Eberron

Year of the Kingdom

0 and beyond

  • 299 YK

    The Church of the Silver Flame is born
    Religious event
  • 802 YK

    Stormreach Upgrades
    Financial Event

    The Kingdom of Galifar, in cooperation with the dragonmarked houses, funds the upgrade of the trade city of Stormreach on the northern peninsula of Xen'drik.

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  • 832 YK

    The Silver Purge
    Religious event

    At the start of the 9th century, Lycanthropy began to surge in Western Aundair (now known as the Eldeen Reaches). The rising tide led to Keeper Jolan Sol declaring "the curse of lycanthropy corrupted the soul itself". With this proclamation the templars of the Silver Flame launched a nearly 50-year war. This crusade ignited the Pure Flame in Aundair, a sect of the faith that is more ardent about eradicating perceived evil. During this time, lycanthropy has been largely eradicated from the continent.

  • 845 YK

    Lightning Rail Line Construction Begins
    Construction beginning/end

    King Jarot begins a public works project to connect all of central Khorvaire via lightning rails

    More reading
    Orien Lightning Rail
  • 865 YK

    Lightning Rail Lines Completed
    Construction beginning/end

    Lightning rail lines connect the Five Nations, Zilargo, the Mror Holds, and the Talenta Plains.

    More reading
    The Five Nations
  • 894 YK

    12 Therendor

    The Death of King Jarot
    Life, Death
  • 894 YK

    12 Therendor
    996 YK

    The Last War
    Military action

    For hundreds of years, the continent of Khorvaire was united under the kingdom of Galifar. This peace came to an end with the death of King Jarot in 894 YK. King Jarot, the last ruler of Galifar dies. Thalin, Kaius, and Wroann reject the succession of Mishann. Wrogar backs his sister's claim. Conflict over the succession spiraled into outright war between the Five Nations.

  • 914 YK

    The Mror Holds declare independence
    Political event

    More reading
    Mror Holds
  • 914 YK

    Thalin of Thrane dies

    The Church of the Silver Flame assumes control of the nation

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  • 958 YK

    The Eldeen Reaches declare independence
    Political event

    The Eldeen Reaches declares itself an independent nation under the protection of the Wardens of the Wood and the guidance of the Great Druid Oalian.

    More reading
    Eldeen Reaches
  • 961 YK

    Boranel becomes king of Breland
    Political event
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  • 965 YK

    Warforged Perfected
    Technological achievement

    House Cannith perfects the modern-era warforged, living constructs designed to fight the Last War.

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  • 980 YK

    Queen Aurala's reign of Aundair begins
    Political event
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  • 986 YK

    Droaam declares Sovereignty
    Political event

    A trio of hags known as the Daughters of Sora Kell invade western Breland with an army of trolls, ogres, and gnolls. Unable to confront both the monsters and fight its opponents in the Last war, King Boranel pulls settlers back and seals off the land west of the Graywall Mountains. The Daughters of Sora Kell declare the sovereignty of the nation of Droaam.

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  • 990 YK

    Elemental Airships
    Technological achievement

    The first elemental airships go into service for House Lyrandar.

    More reading
    Lyrandar Airship
  • 991 YK

    Kaius III's reign of Karrnath begins
    Political event

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  • 993 YK

    New Keeper of the Silver Flame
    Religious event

    Jaela Daran (age 6) assumes the power of the Keeper of the Silver Flame

  • 994 YK

    20 Olarune

    The Day of Mourning
    Disaster / Destruction

    On 20 Olarune 994 YK, the nation of Cyre was consumed in a magical cataclysm now known as the Mourning. The cause of the Mourning remains unknown; many fear it was caused by unbridled use of war magic.

    More reading
    The Day of Mourning
  • 996 YK

    The Treaty of Thronehold
    Diplomatic action

    The Treaty of Thronehold officially ends the Last War. The treaty officially recognizes the nations of Aundair, Breland, Thrane, Karrnath, the Talenta Plains, Zilargo, Q'barra, the Lhazaar Principalities, the Mror Holds, the Eldeen Reaches, Darguun, and Valenar.

  • 997 YK

    Stormreach Expands
    Population Migration / Travel

    Largely due to war refugees, the City of Stormreach expands.

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  • 998 YK

    1 Zarantyr

    The Present

    Your Adventure Begins...