Elysa Lonne Character in Eberron Campaign Setting | World Anvil
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Elysa Lonne

Elysa Lonne

A displaced Cyrian lucky enough to have been traveling abroad at the time of the Mourning, Elysa is a wandering Artificer and researcher with an obsessive interest in the Mournwall that destroyed her homeland. Currently residing in Gatherhold while attempting to localize an unusual disturbance in the Mournlands border.   Elysa retains the basic use of magic and her renowned crafting and enchanting skills. She is known outside of Cyre for her developments in the enchantment of magic-resistant materials.   Following the Mourning of her homeland, Elysa created a device designed to track fluctuations in the Mournwall and housed it inside a small lantern. It is the only known device of its kind.   Approximately 2 years ago, the lantern led Elysa to a forest near Kennrun where she discovered a roughly hewn stone tomb covered in Aster flowers. Inside the tomb, she discovered a heavily damaged Warforged.   Elysa, being well-versed in the spell and material mechanics of the Warforged, determined that this one was not "dead" yet and took it with her.   After months spent repairing the Warforged, it finally powered on but had such significant damage to its memory that it didn't remember its destination, purpose, or even its name. Elysa names it after the flowers growing on its former tomb.   The Aster flower has some significance to Elysa as it was a favorite of her late husband. He was also an Artificer and was developing extraordinary works of metal and magic which he often (illegally)consulted with Elysa on. She knows a lot of things that no one would suspect she knows.   Her husband's accidental death occurred under mundane circumstances to the best of Elysa's knowledge, and she has had no reason to suspect otherwise.

Personality Characteristics


Looking for the cause of the Mourning.

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes using unnecessary words or speaking without saying something. Dislikes extravagant courtesies.   Likes simple solutions. Likes basic manners.

Virtues & Personality perks

Highly dedicated. Brave to the point of putting her life on the line. Always thinking about how to solve a problem; excellent at coming up with ideas. Observant.

Vices & Personality flaws

Somewhat reckless when working. Often doesn't give people enough credit. VERY resistant to straying from her mission/projects. Emotionally traumatized by the loss of her husband and the loss of her homeland.

Personality Quirks

Takes notes on people she sees. Speaks very quickly when worked up. States the obvious/assumptions like you would when recording research notes.




Towards Elysa Lonne


Elysa Lonne


Towards Aster



Following the destruction of Cyre Si'goval awoke to find she had been repaired (for the most part) by Elysa. They have been traveling together since seeking answers to what happened to the nation of Cyre.

Neutral Good
Date of Birth
11 Sypheros (Oct) 957 YK
White, dyed Black currently
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 '10'
150 lbs.

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