Guardians of the Gate Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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Guardians of the Gate

The Last War  endured for a century. During that time, Sharn continued to serve as a center for trade between the embattled nations. But espionage and subterfuge were constant concerns. This resulted in the creation of the Guardians of the Gate, an arm of the Sharn Watch dedicated to monitoring the actions of foreign nationals and immigrants to the city.   While the war is over, the aftermath of the conflict has left the Guardians with many duties. The city has been flooded with refugees from across Khorvaire, especially Cyre. This immigrant population has been concentrated in the High Walls district of Lower Tavick’s Landing, and the Guardians have jurisdiction over this district. The Guardians of the Gate also investigates any crimes that are believed to involve foreigners, unless the incidents are severe enough to merit the intervention of the The Citadel.   While the bulk of the Guardians are military personnel, the agency also includes a corps of scribes and administrators who handle immigration issues and special customs investigations.
Government, Law Enforcement
Parent Organization