Maza Thadian Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Maza Thadian

Maza Thadian has served as head chef for over 300 years, and is respected throughout Shae Lias for her wisdom and common sense. Six years ago, Maza assumed the position of Councilor for Upper Northedge, and today she leaves most of the restaurant work to her sons, Meryn and Malys; however, she can still be coaxed to perform her culinary miracles for special patrons.   Maza is stubborn and set in her ways, and she constantly fights to maintain the status quo and uphold tradition; however, she does tend to put the concerns of the wealthy before those of the poor, especially the goblins and other dregs of the lower wards. While she has the highest regard for the law, she is in no way naïve; she is capable of surprising subterfuge in the best interests of Sharn.
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