Talleon Haliar Tonan Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Talleon Haliar Tonan

While Tithon oversees all Citadel operations in Sharn, the DarkLanterns are under the direct command of Captain Talleon Haliar Tonan.  Talleon is devoted to the preservation of Breland and to the King, but he is utterly ruthless, and authorizes torture, theft, and assassination if a mission requires it. He has built up a network of Lower City contacts, and has engaged in “friendly deals” with the Tyrants, the Boromar Clan, and even House Tarkanan. Talleondoesn’t care about crime; he wants to expose and eliminate foreign spies, saboteurs, or other threats to the kingdom. He is also interested in increasing his own personal authority; the more power he has, the more effectively he can do his job. If Talleon ever gets a chance to take command from Knight-Marshal Banarak, he will seize it. Until then, he continues to form strategic alliances with guilds and power groups throughout the city.
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