The King’s Citadel Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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The King’s Citadel

The members of the King’s Citadel are the direct agents of the Brelish Crown. Its members have the authority to take control of any investigation and to command the service of any guard or sentinel. Typically the Citadel leaves the daily chores of law enforcement (including the conflicts between the criminal organizations of the lower towers) in the hands of the Sharn Watch. The Citadel is concerned with forces that threaten the entire city, or even the kingdom. Foreign spies, mad necromancers, and ancient fiends—these are the foes of the King’s Citadel, rather than pickpockets and burglars.   Of course, many of these greater threats might be beyond the capabilities of the typical Citadel agents. Much as the Blackened Book does, the Citadel keeps a close eye on unusual and talented individuals, and a party of adventurers might be called upon to assist the Citadel in a dangerous mission.   Unlike the Sharn Watch, the Citadel doesn’t ask for help: it demands it. The knights of the Citadel are the representatives of the King of Breland, and any Brelish citizen who refuses to help them is committing an act of treason. The Citadel isn’t required to provide compensation for the services it demands, but an adventurer who wins the respect of the Citadel can certainly benefit from the relationship.   The Citadel is made up of these four divisions:
  • The King’s Dark Lanterns gather intelligence and engage in covert operations.
  • The King’s Shields protect the royal family and its closest associates.
  • The King’s Swords are elite soldiers used in the most dangerous military operations.
  • The King’s Wands are wizards and sorcerers, serving the crown in all arcane matters.
The headquarters of the Citadel is in the Ambassador Towers district of Middle Central, in Andith Tower. That structure also serves as the city jail.
Government, Secret Service
Parent Organization