The Blackened Book Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Blackened Book

Magic is a powerful tool and a deadly weapon. A powerful sorcerer can decimate a platoon of guardsmen. As a result, the ability to contain and control the use of magic is a vital resource. Since the beginning of The Last War, sorcerers, and magewrights who have displayed a talent for abjuration or divination have been pressed into the service of the Brelish Crown.   The Blackened Book is a branch of the Sharn Watch, consisting of countermages who are trained to monitor and dispel magical energy. The mages of the Book may be called in to use detect magic to look for traces of mystical foul play, to use detect thoughts for difficult interrogations, or dispel magic to contain magic-using insurgents or criminals. The Blackened Book also keeps track of the most powerful spellcasters in Sharn, and they might approach an experienced wizard and deputize them to assist on a case that exceeds their own skills.
Government, Law Enforcement
Parent Organization
Notable Members