Zaira Dane Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Zaira Dane

Finally, Lieutenant Zaira Dane is in charge of the local branch of the King’s Wands. A devout follower Dol Arrah, Zaira believes that you cannot have justice without honor. Zaira despises Captain Talleon and believes that his amoral actions are a blemish on the honor of the Citadel, but she lacks the authority to do anything about it. Technically, the King’s Wands of Sharn are only supposed to support the actions of the Dark Lanterns, but Zaira often acts on her own in an attempt to battle injustices that Talleon refuses to deal with. For his part, Talleon believes that Zaira is a naïve idealist who wastes time chasing after “evil”—the true work of the Citadel is protecting the crown, and good and evil are luxuries in this line of work. There are six additional members of the King’s Wands.
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