Trelib d’Medani Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Trelib d’Medani

Baron Trelib Medani

Let the other houses bluster and call us "upstart". When they realize we hold the keys that can release the secrets of the Five Nations, they will learn respect.   — Baron Trelib d'Medan
  Trelib is a long-time friend of King Boranel. This camaraderie often causes the house to be more open and favorable with Breland than with the other Five Nations. Trelib has even provided Medani operatives to Boranel's court. While this upsets some outside the house and Breland itself, internal strife has also began to surface. High-ranking members of the Dark Lanterns worry that Trelib uses his friendship with Boranel to his own end and has placed undercover Medani agents in the Brelish court and even within the Dark Lanterns themselves.
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