Doc Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Doc looks like most Warforged at first glance, but the numerous trinkets and keepsakes that he keeps around his neck mark him as a person who values past relationships.   Sent straight from the creation forge to the battlefield, Doc had the ‘luck’ of being chosen as a field medic. Working under human doctors on the front, he got a quick education in triage and trauma. Though many soldiers at first balked at the idea of being treated by a ‘machine,’ Doc’s sure hands and calm manner soon won him a unique place in the unit. Since the war, Doc has been wandering without a purpose, and when he was contacted by agents of the Lord of Blades, he felt that he had a duty to help his people grow.   After escaping from the Mournland with the Diamond Sentinels, Doc set up a medical practice in Corvo Montagna. He came across many former colleagues from the Cyrean army, and was highly regarded by all the citizens of Corvo. With the new arrival of the Thaliost refugees, Doc had his work cut out for him. As the town has grown and the House Jorasco clinic has started to take care of most medical matters, Doc has found himself trying to recruit errant warforged and keep them from the grasp of the Lord of Blades.
Current Location
Year of Birth
989 YK 11 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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