Deadwood Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Deadwood Logging Camp is a relatively small settlement located at the foot of the Glintrock Range in the forest of its namesake, bordering the Thundering Steppes. Despite the challenging environment, this rugged and hardy camp has become a bustling hub of activity due to the booming lumber industry driven by the increasing population in the Glintrock Range, fueled by Glimmerstone mining. The camp primarily comprises Goblins, Kobolds, Ogres, and Orcs, with a noticeable presence of Humans, Dwarves, and Elves.


The camp's population is primarily composed of goblins, kobolds, ogres, and orcs, who form the backbone of the logging industry. However, the presence of humans, dwarves, and elves adds diversity to the community, reflecting its cosmopolitan nature.


The camp operates under a singular mayor, Hrodgar Stoneaxe and his deputy Zara, who oversees the needs of the people and enforces orders with the assistance of a small band of ogres. This governance structure ensures a firm yet fair rule over the bustling camp.


While the camp's defenses are relatively modest, the wooden palisades and watchtowers offer a degree of protection against potential threats, making the camp resilient in the face of challenges.

Industry & Trade

The camp's primary industry is logging, as it extracts timber from the nearby Deadwood forest to meet the rising demands of the Glintrock Range. The lumber harvested in the camp is a valuable resource that is traded with the Glintrock Range and other neighboring regions.   The management of logging operations is overseen by Grak the Lumbermaster and Sparkle the Foreman. Their most skilled and effective lumberjack is a hulking figure named Thragg.


The camp's layout is straightforward, with a single main street lined with lodgings for the inhabitants. A central hall serves as a meeting place for community gatherings and trade activities, while a shrine accommodates the various faiths of Droaam.


The camp's layout is compact, with no distinct districts. Instead, its compact size fosters a sense of unity among its diverse inhabitants.


The primary asset of the Deadwood Logging Camp is its proximity to the Glintrock Range and Thundering Steppes, providing abundant timber for the logging industry. The camp's diverse population also contributes to its richness, as various skills and expertise complement the lumber-related activities.   A Goblin Tinkerer named Glimmer works closely with Hrodgar to create new machines to improve the town wherever they can and his compatriat Snaggletooth can be seen surveiling the Deadwood for ancient ruins and relics to scavenge in support of Glimmer's endeavours.

Guilds and Factions

The camp does not possess any official guilds or factions, but the logging industry and various cultural groups form informal alliances and associations to ensure their interests are represented.


Throughout much of Droaam's history, the region around the Deadwood Logging Camp remained sparsely inhabited. Hrodgar Stoneaxe, a dwarven entrepreneur, invested in the camp and became its mayor, overseeing its growth and development. After several displays of strength, courage, and determination, Hrodgar won over the town and has been in charge for the last 20 years.   With the rise in demand for lumber driven by the glimmerstone mining, the camp has experienced a significant surge in population and economic activity.

Points of interest

  • Sleeping Treant—A tavern carved to resemble a sleeping tree
  • Mayor's Mansion—A large, elaborate wooden structure that serves as the mayor's home and meeting hall for the town
  • Woodcutter's Row—The section of town where carpenters show off their talents for traveling merchants


While the camp is not a tourist destination, its dynamic atmosphere and diverse population might intrigue travelers seeking a glimpse of the booming lumber industry in Droaam.


The camp's architecture is simple and practical, reflecting its focus on the lumber industry. Wooden lodgings, the central hall, and the shrine showcase functional yet charming design.


The Deadwood Logging Camp is situated at the foot of the Glintrock Range, bordering the Thundering Steppes. Its proximity to the Deadwood forest provides a vital source of timber for the booming logging industry.


The camp experiences a challenging climate, enduring harsh dry summers, devastating lightning storms, frigid winters, and the occasional flash floods and mudslides.

Natural Resources

The primary natural resource of the Deadwood Logging Camp is the abundant timber from the nearby Deadwood forest. This valuable resource fuels the booming lumber industry, supporting the increasing demands of the Glintrock Range and other regions. Additionally, the camp's diverse population contributes to its wealth of skills and expertise.
Founding Date


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