Deadwood Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil
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Deadwood is a relatively small forest located at the foot of the Glintrock Range, bordering the Thundering Steppes. Despite the challenging environment, this rugged and hardy forest has managed to endure harsh dry summers, devastating lightning storms, frigid winters, and flash floods and mudslides. The region has been sparsely inhabited throughout Droaam's history, but in recent years, a booming logging camp has attracted a surge in population due to the demand for lumber driven by the increasing population of the Glintrock Range, fueled by the Glimmerstone mining.


Deadwood sprawls out from the Serpentrock River, providing a lifeline for the forest's flora and fauna. It stands as a natural barrier between the Thundering Steppes and the Glintrock Range, with the forest's rugged terrain and dense vegetation offering a challenging landscape to traverse.


The forest's ecosystem has adapted to the harsh climate, with plants and animals displaying resilience and toughness. Despite the adversities, it remains a vital habitat for various species.

Ecosystem Cycles

Deadwood experiences distinct cycles driven by the changing seasons. Harsh dry summers bring challenges to flora and fauna, while frigid winters cause plants to hibernate, and animals to adjust their behaviors for survival.

Localized Phenomena

Deadwood experiences localized phenomena such as intense lightning storms and flash floods during the summer and mudslides during the winter, shaping the landscape and posing risks to its inhabitants.


The climate in Deadwood is characterized by hot and dry summers with devastating lightning storms, and cold winters with potential flash floods and mudslides. The forest's location at the foot of the Glintrock Range and near the Thundering Steppes influences its weather patterns.

Fauna & Flora

Deadwood is home to a diverse array of flora and fauna, each uniquely adapted to the challenging environment. Hardy plants such as resilient trees, thorny bushes, and tenacious ground coverings dominate the landscape. The animal population comprises fearsome predators and sturdy herbivores, making encounters in the forest an adventurous undertaking.

Natural Resources

The primary natural resource in Deadwood is its abundant timber, which has become increasingly valuable due to the rise in demand driven by the growing population in the Glintrock Range. Additionally, the forest serves as a crucial habitat for various plants and animals that contribute to the region's biodiversity.


Throughout much of Droaam's history, Deadwood remained sparsely inhabited, hosting only small groups of hunter/gatherers and bandits. However, the recent boom in the logging camp has transformed the forest's dynamics and brought increased human activity to the region.


While Deadwood is not a popular tourist destination, its unique and challenging ecosystem might attract adventurous individuals seeking to experience the untamed wilderness of Droaam and explore the wonders of the Glintrock Range and Thundering Steppes.
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