House Lyrandar Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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House Lyrandar

House Lyrandar, a Half-Elven Dragonmarked House, operates across Khorvaire, with its enclave situated on Stormhome, an island city-state just north of Aundair. Renowned for ruling the seas, House Lyrandar's kraken-marked galleons employ air and water elementals, making them faster than any ordinary vessel. Their dominance in sea and river trade has granted them considerable power. Recently, they have expanded their reach to the skies, and their Lyrandar airships, only a decade old, have begun challenging the lightning rail's monopoly on overland travel.  


House Lyrandar possesses the Mark of Storm, granting its bearers diverse magical abilities to control winds and waves. Through this mark, House Lyrandar wields mastery over the air in a literal sense. Their Raincallers Guild, utilizing the Mark of Storms, can manipulate the weather on behalf of their clients, showcasing the house's remarkable control over elemental forces. With such powers, House Lyrandar plays a crucial role in maritime endeavors and holds significant influence over weather-dependent industries.  


Around 2000 years ago, House Lyrandar is said to have originated, six centuries after elves migrated to Khorvaire and intermixed with humans, giving rise to the first Khorovar. The Mark of Storm manifested in Lyran and Selavash, the first of the Khoravar to possess this dragonmark. During the The Last War's outset, House Lyrandar was relatively weaker compared to its present status. They capitalized on weather manipulation, aiding military and trade efforts by creating favorable conditions for troop movements, trade routes, and crop growth, all while maintaining neutrality.   In 990 YK, with the assistance of Zilargo gnomes and House Cannith, House Lyrandar introduced elemental airships. This transformative development allowed them to dominate the transport industry by rapidly carrying troops and supplies across land, surpassing House Orien traditional advantage. Although they refrained from deploying airships in combat to uphold neutrality, they sold these vessels to nations willing to pay, bolstering their influence.   Unlike some houses that suffered significant losses during the war, House Lyrandar emerged with minimal impact. The nations they served acknowledged their contributions in weather control and post-war economic recovery, elevating their status.   Nevertheless, tensions exist with rival houses. House Orien resents Lyrandar's expansion into their domain, exacerbated by the devastation caused by the Day of Mourning. House Cannith desires greater compensation for their contribution to airship design. Despite these challenges, House Lyrandar's power and prestige continue to grow among the general populace.
Founding Date
1.000 BG
Guild, Professional
Related Species
Mark of Storm
Raincallers Guild
Windwrights Guild


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