House Cannith Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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House Cannith

House Cannith, a prominent human Dragonmarked House, is renowned for its remarkable innovation and technological advancements. Among their most notable creations are groundbreaking inventions like the Warforged and the Lightning Rail. The house offers repair services, and its gorgon mark serves as a recognized and trusted symbol that adorns both magical and everyday items. Over time, through past conflicts, House Cannith has emerged as the most politically influential dragonmarked house. They hold dominance in all forms of manufacturing, be it mystical or mundane.   Within their gorgon-marked forgeholds, Cannith employs efficient production methods to swiftly manufacture common goods. Even independent artisans often receive their training at Cannith academies and adhere to the house's standards. Known as the House of Making, House Cannith constructs the tools relied upon by other houses, implicitly assuming the leadership role among The Twelve.   During The Last War, House Cannith experienced significant opportunities as demand surged for their weapons, warforged, and conventional arms and armor from every nation embroiled in the conflict. However, the war both elevated and devastated the house. With their base in Cyre, the cataclysmic Mourning event destroyed the house's leadership and vital facilities. Presently, three barons compete to fill the leadership void: Jorlanna, the alchemist of Fairhaven ; Zorlan, the weaponsmith of Korth ; and Merrix d'Cannith, the innovative mind behind warforged in Sharn.   The question remains whether one of these leaders will successfully unite the house or if the strain will cause House Cannith to fracture and splinter.  


House Cannith holds the prestigious Mark of Making, which bestows a range of magical abilities upon its bearers. With this mark, individuals can imbue items with magic, enhancing their capabilities, and also possess the unique skill to repair and restore items, providing House Cannith with a significant advantage in the competitive manufacturing domain.  


Around 2,500 years ago, the Mark of Making surfaced among the artisans and craftsmen of ancient Cyre, leading to the formation of Clan Cannith. Through their ingenuity and marked abilities, they established their own domains in Cyre and central Khorvaire.   About 1,500 years ago, during the War of the Mark, House Cannith actively participated, focusing on trade and manufacturing. The war revealed the Mark of Detection, which led to the creation of House Medani. After the war, Cannith emerged as a powerful house, uniting other houses to form the Twelve. They collaborated with Zilargo's elemental binders and House Lyrander to develop elemental sea vessels, followed by the creation of the Lightning Rail in 811 YK.   During the Last War, Cannith capitalized on the demand for weapons and became a prominent arms dealer to all nations, accumulating vast wealth and political influence. They also engineered the warforged soldiers, further strengthening their dominance. However, the Day of Mourning in 994 YK brought disaster, destroying their Whitehearth Forgehold, and causing a succession crisis.   The Treaty of Thronehold banned Cannith from creating more warforged, reducing their role as an arms dealer and diminishing some political influence. The house split into three factions with rival heirs vying for leadership: Merrix (Cannith South), Jorlanna (Cannith West), and Zorlan (Cannith East). Each faction seeks to restore the house's power, fueling intense rivalry and determination for technological advancements.
Founding Date
2,500 BG
Guild, Professional
Alternative Names
House of Making
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Species
Mark of Making
Fabricator's Guild
Tinkers Guild


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