House Orien Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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House Orien

House Orien, a Human Dragonmarked House, operates throughout Khorvaire, with a major enclave in Passage, Aundair. Specializing in courier services and land-based transport, they manage and operate the lightning rail invented by House Cannith. Alongside the rail, Orien runs caravans and coaches across the continent, utilizing Dragonshard focus items to ensure their swiftness.   House Orien finds itself facing significant challenges and changes in the aftermath of The Mourning and the rising popularity of House Lyrandar airships. With their lightning rail lines lost and their traditional transport services under threat, the house is now focused on developing advanced methods of transportation, particularly long-distance instantaneous teleportation. This endeavor requires the expertise of their most powerful heirs, and they are collaborating with House Cannith to enhance the capabilities of their Dragonmark.   Baron Kwanti d'Orien, stationed at Journey's Home, is tirelessly traveling across Khorvaire to secure funding for these teleportation experiments. Research comes at a high cost, and with House Orien's financial situation, external funding from other dragonmarked houses, nations, and wealthy individuals is crucial. However, obtaining such funding has proven challenging, and as a result, Baron Kwanti spends much of his time aboard his lightning rail coach, the Silver Unicorn, seeking support to advance the house's transportation services.  


House Orien's Mark of Passage bestows magical abilities to control travel and teleportation upon its bearers.  


Before the manifestation of the Dragonmarks and the establishment of the The Five Nations, a group of merchants formed a close-knit alliance, delivering goods and providing transportation across the lands. When the Mark of Passage emerged around -1900, House Orien was born, enabling them to elevate their services through teleportation capabilities. Establishing strong diplomatic ties and combining their Mark's power, House Orien became adept at safe and efficient merchandise delivery.   Their business catered to two economic classes - the common populace benefited from overland caravans, connecting friends and family, while the nobility enjoyed exclusive teleportation travel with the Greater Mark of Passage. Teleportation proved highly lucrative, fostering communication and trust among the nobility during the formation of Galifar .   In 811 YK, House Orien's influence soared with the creation of the first lightning rail, revolutionizing travel throughout Khorvaire. The Trailblazers, groups of heirs, mapped out the conductor stones that powered the trains, further enhancing House Orien's prestige and wealth. However, the The Last War brought challenges, with destroyed bridges and rails, and House Lyrandar's airships seizing opportunities for transportation.   To regain prominence, House Orien's First Step magewrights work on advanced teleportation methods like the Linked Portal ritual and control over permanent teleportation circles. While progress is being made, they still face hurdles in regaining their former dominance in transportation services.
Founding Date
1,900 BG
Guild, Professional
Related Species
Mark of Passage
Courier's Guild
Transportation Guild


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