House Tharashk Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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House Tharashk

House Tharashk is a Human and Half-Orc Dragonmarked House, which has recently expanded its influence beyond its traditional base in the Shadow Marches to other regions of Khorvaire. The house is known for its skilled prospectors, bounty hunters, and Inquisitives, making them a significant force in finding valuable resources and tracking down targets.   One of the notable features of House Tharashk is its unique alliance with Droaam, the nation of monsters. They are the only dragonmarked house to employ monstrous laborers and mercenaries from Droaam, which sets them apart from the other dragonmarked houses.   While House Tharashk has recently diversified into Dragonshard prospecting, traditionally, it focused on licensing inquisitives and bounty hunters. Dragonshards are highly valuable in the magical economy, and the house's expertise in this area has brought them new wealth and influence.   House Tharashk is one of the younger dragonmarked houses, and it hasn't fully adopted all the customs of its older counterparts. The house's formation involved the union of distinct clans, and these clans' identities still hold significance within the house. Unlike other dragonmarked houses where heirs adopt the "d'" prefix, Tharashk heirs typically retain their family names, preserving their clan identity. The house is governed by a Triumvirate, consisting of representatives from the three major clans— The Aashta, Torrn and Velderan . Together, they lead the house in the Shadow Marches under the emblem of the dragonne, a lion-dragon hybrid.  


House Tharashk, a family of humans and half-orcs originating from the Shadow Marches, bears the Mark of Finding, granting them the ability to track and locate people and objects with exceptional proficiency. They exercise their abilities through the control of the Finders Guild, a renowned organization that employs a diverse array of investigators, law enforcement agents, treasure hunters, and dragonshard seekers.  


Around 1000 years ago, the Mark of Finding emerged on members of three clans residing in the wild and mysterious Shadow Marches: the Torrns, the Velderans, and the Aashtas. News of these skilled huntsmen possessing an unknown dragonmark quickly spread across Khorvaire. In the late 600s YK, a group of House Sivis gnomes embarked on a quest to seek out this elusive dragonmark. Upon discovering the three clans, the gnomes played a vital role in uniting them and forming the dragonmarked House Tharashk. As newcomers to the civilized world of the The Five Nations and the rest of Khorvaire, House Tharashk adapted swiftly and found its purpose. Although renowned as master hunters, they realized that survival in this new world required more than just their hunting skills. Recognizing the high demand and value of dragonshards, Tharashk ventured into the trade and business of these precious magical gems. The dragonshard trade not only established House Tharashk's position in Khorvaire but also brought them considerable wealth and influence. Despite their success, some harbor mistrust and prejudice against them, labeling them "graybloods."   When the The Last War erupted, House Tharashk initially had little interest and involvement, as their trade was mostly limited to the untamed lands of the Shadow Marches. However, in the later stages of the war, they became embroiled in unexpected ways. The war eventually led to the formation of the nation of Droaam, and House Tharashk seized the opportunity to negotiate trade deals and form an alliance with this new power, further expanding their reach and influence.
Founding Date
498 YK
Guild, Professional
Ruling Organization
Related Species
Mark of Finding
No formal guilds


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